Choice Zone

445 38 9

Virion Leywin

We stepped through a portal, my magic rushing back to me, blood magic already healing my body, it felt amazing, I never want my mana to go away again, I missed this feeling, fighting without it sucks.

"Can you heal yourself?" Fenyir said, and I just stood there in the room we were in, looking up into the sky, enjoying this feeling of pleasantness as the mana rushed back to me. "I'll take that as a yes."

'I'll help guide everything, you are good now, but you are still concussed, just so you know, blood magic won't be able to fix that.' Hades said, moving inside of my body, directing the mana to areas that needed healing.

"Oh, this feels good." I said, taking a step, but slipping under my feet slightly, I caught myself using wind magic, and looked at Fenyir, she was smiling at me. "Yeah, I'll admit, my head is still throbbing, Hades said that I am still concussed, so there is that."

"I figured." Fenyir said, and I looked up into the room, it was a plain room, it was white all over, the tile on the floor was golden, and in the middle sat a table, on that table, was two cups. "Well, it looks like we know what we have to do."

"No shit." She gave me a glare as we walked over to the table. "My bad, it's just a force of habit, I just say whatever is on my mind all the time." I told her, I didn't mean to make fun of her right there, it just happened. "You should know that by now."

"I do." Fenyir responded, and we arrived at the table, she stood in front of one cup, I stood in front of another. "Mine says life." There were words under the cup, I read mine, and looked at Fenyir. "What does your say?"

"Death." I said, smiling at her, shrugging, then picking it up. "I'll drink it." She quickly reached over, and grabbed the cup before I could drink it, inside was a clear liquid, it was probably water. "What?"

"Veer, you know, something that says death, should not be drank." Fenyir said, looking at me with a curious face, wondering why I would just drink this without hesitating. "Put it down." I did as she said, placing the cub on the table.

'I am reading your thoughts right now, and for once, I actually think what you are doing is correct.' Hades thought to me. 'Obviously, one has to drink life, and the other death, the relictombs are trying to make you sacrifice yourself for Fenyir.'

'Exactly.' I responded to my bond, then looked at Fenyir. "There are two cups, two of us, one of us has to drink this one, I'm not going to let you do it, so I was going to drink it." I told Fenyir, shrugging, looking at the cup. "I don't see the big deal; I'll just heal myself if it tries to destroy my body."

"You think that will just work?" Fenyir said aggressively. "And what if it kills you? What am I supposed to tell Seris? Come on, think, Veer, use your head." I looked at her confused, did she just tell me to use my head. "You are not just going to drink the death cup."

"First, if it kills me, just tell Seris I died." I said with a nonchalant tone. "Second, if someone has to drink the death cup between the two of us, it is not going to be you, Fenyir, I would be a terrible person if I just let you drink that." I could be a living person though, if it does kill, but I don't think it will. "We are put in a room with only these two cups, no portal to leave, nothing else, obviously, we have to do something with them."

"And your first instinct was to drink the death cup?" I stared into her eyes, then nodded my head after a couple of seconds. "I should have known, you like death, I've seen it firsthand now." I walked over to the life cup, it had the same liquid in it, I could probably manipulate both of them in the air and edit the water so it didn't kill, I could feel that there was mana and aether inside of them, so they definitely did something.

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