Destruction Pt. III

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Seris Vritra

We were on the boarder of the Elven Kingdom, we had killed plenty of clones, we weren't camping, but taking a break, the Scythes were separated, in different areas around the forest, except for Viessa and Melzri, but Viessa has been acting slightly weird, the two Wraith squads were separated, but the squads stayed together.

I knew it was going to be okay because Virion wasn't here, he could not get captured, I just hope he doesn't come out of the Relictombs and come charging over here to fight us, or anyone, I couldn't predict what that kid would do, but his family was still safe, Ellie was a dangerous fighter now, could probably hold her own in a fight against a Retainer, not a Scythe.

Viessa got word that a clone was here on the boarder, so when we were ready, we were going to hunt it down together. I still can't believe Agrona is doing all of this, sending us, his top fighters, his most powerful units to hunt down Virion, a mere child.

I understand he has powers far past what anyone can dream of, but he is still a child, to hunt one down for your own goals, that is just wrong, but that is why I am trying to end Agrona's tyranny. I could feel some of us moving about, getting ready to go back at it, to kill this clone we think was over here somewhere.

The Wraiths and Scythes didn't always get along, it was a power thing, but these two units, they didn't care, they only wanted one thing, and that was to kill clones and capture the real deal. They never spoke to a clone, they never took their eyes off one, all they wanted was death, that was why Cadell picked them.

A figure appeared near me, it was the brat, Nico. "Seris." He said, walking over to me, stopping about five yards from me. "You've been quite quiet this whole trip, is there something bothering you?" The boy asked, and I glared at him, causing him to speak some more. "I don't need you costing me a chance to capture Virion, you need to be ready to go."

"Boy, just because you have the title of Scythe, doesn't mean you can speak to me like that." I told him, turning so I was completely facing him now. "You are the weakling, the lowest Scythe here, the day you became one, was the day the title meant a little less, you should know that, so be careful what you say to me."

"Tch." He spit on the ground, a little pissed at me. "I'll take that as an answer." He said, nodding his head as he spoke. "I just want this hunt to be over so we can bring Cecilia over, and end this whole war, with here, Agrona will be unstoppable."

"He'll have Virion too." I told him, thinking about it. "The world would be his, just like we want." I played along, but that would be the end of days, if he possessed the Legacy, and Devil. "Now, are you done throwing threats my way, or will I have to show you the real power of a Scythe."

"I wasn't threatening you, Seris." Nico said, his anger falling slightly as he knew he couldn't handle me in a fight. "I was only making sure that you were ready to fight the real one, I'll admit, Virion Leywin is a very clever child, it makes me wonder how he possessed such knowledge at such a young age."

"Same." I answered, then a thought came to mind. "Nico, I heard you learned of Arthur's survival, or Grey's, as you call him." His anger built back up. "I'm surprised you are not there, in Alacrya, hunting him down, I would have expected that from you."

"Well, I'm here, in Dicathen, hunting down his little brother, that will do more damage to him than hunting him down in person." Nico told me, glaring into my eyes. "I will take everything from him, Seris, I don't need your help, or anyones, I'll do it myself."

"We both know that isn't possible, Nico, you are weaker than Arthur Leywin." He clicked his tongue from that comment, knowing it was true though. "He almost killed you in Etistin, didn't he? You only survived because Cadell and Dragoth showed up, then you proceeded to leave when Virion showed up."

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