What Did You Do?

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Virion Leywin

I sat there beside Boo and my mother, we were watching Ellie train with my father, the two were sparring sort of, Ellie was only reinforcing her body with mana to avoid attacks my father sent at her, he was unable to hit her.

"Wow, El has grown quite a lot." My mother said from beside me as we sat in the grass watching. "I'm surprised you didn't want to join in, you haven't been sparring lately, what's up with that?" She swung an arm around my shoulders, holding me against her, I leaned my head on her shoulder.

"I'll gladly fight, mom, but lately, I don't know, I think with everything, I just feel like relaxing." I told her, watching my father swing a fist at Ellie's head, but she dodged it with ease as they continued at it. "It's been a rough week, mom."

"Rough?" My mother said questioningly, she doesn't know about the Wall and Elenoir, I knew once I told them, Ellie and them would want to go back and help the people, which is okay, Ellie can handle herself in a fight, and I don't expect my parents to fight at all, they can help the people with other things. "What's been rough? What happened over in Dicathen?"

"I suppose you will find out sooner or later." I said, knowing that Seris was on her way, and she was going to be angry, I was going to join Agrona for the time being, just until I get everything set up, I need to buy time, and the real me can do that by staying in Agrona's home. "There's been an accident, mom, in Dicathen, a bad one."

"What?" She said, moving me slightly so I was now facing her, and she repeated. "What happened in Dicathen? Is everyone okay?" I shook my head. "You are scaring me now, Veer, just tell me what happened."

"Well, you see ---" I was cut off as Seris came into view, she was flying down to the ground, and as she landed, she walked onto the battlefield were Ellie and my father stopped fighting, giving her a head nod and a smile, she returned the gesture, but when her eyes reached mine, I could see a look of confusion and anger in them. "Hold on, mom, I'll tell you about it later, don't worry, the Twin Horns and everyone we care about are fine."

I stood up, reaching a handout for my mother to take, which she did, and I helped her up to her feet. "Okay, you better, Veer." She told me with a serious face as Seris got closer. "I don't like it when you keep secrets from me." I felt bad, I did, because I knew that there was a lot she didn't know about, I had a lot of secrets.

"I will." I told her, then shot a smile at Seris. "It's good to see you, Seris, how was your mission?" I asked, already knowing about it, since I was a clone, and I received all the memories of the clones. "Did everything go according to plan?"

"Alice, mind if I take Virion for a little bit?" Seris asked my mother, walking up to me, grabbing my arm, and as my mother nodded, she started pulling me with her towards the mansion, I could sense Cylrit in there. "You are going to explain everything to me right now, no more secrets, no more keeping things to yourself, you are telling me everything." She said quietly, but I could hear it clearly.

"Fine." I said, stepping into the mansion, passing maids who bowed towards us. "I'll tell you whatever you want to know." She can know, it won't change anything, or hurt anything, she wants Agrona dead, I want Agrona and Kezess dead, we were working together. "Should we go down to your lab?"

"Yes." She said, releasing my arm as we walked side by side. "You can start off by explaining if the real you knows about anything of this? And if he is really going to just hand himself over to Agrona?" I knew that would be the first question she asked, I could tell she didn't like that idea when we were in the room talking with Agrona.

"The real me doesn't know yet, but he had plans to do this, so it won't be a big deal." I started off, telling the truth, I just wasn't going to reveal everything. "When he leaves the Relictombs, the memories of the clones will hit him, and he'll know what to do." She looked down at me, being slightly taller, examining my face.

My Beginning After the End DownfallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora