The Queen of Mana

501 37 3

(Two weeks Later)

Virion Leywin

I returned back to Taegrin Caelum, I don't know, maybe about five days ago. I finished making the base for Agrona's troops within that week, it could probably house about ten thousand people.

While I was gone, a clone brought Sylvie's body here, but Agrona has been refusing to bring her back, I don't know why, but it is angering me. I know he's doing it on purpose, probably to anger me, or he is planning something, which is probably the truth.

At some point thought, I am going to bring it back up, I want Sylvie to be here, I want her to be by my side, and he is keeping that from me. I'm currently with him right now, we were watching the Legacy, she was almost in white core, and her control over mana is remarkable, truly, it was an amazing sight.

She was currently standing there in the middle of the battlefield; a tornado of spells was above her hand in the air. I could do it too, but seeing her do it, for some reason, amazes me. I would love to fight her, oh, that would be awesome.

Nico was still a pussy, he hated when I spoke with her, and actually, I could tell it was being absorbed by Cecilia, because I could tell she is hesitating to speak to me now. I'm sure someone told her about the things I did in the war, ehh, who cares for now. If I can get into her head, change her memories, hell, it won't matter.

I still had my blood shield active in my mind, I didn't want to risk it while I was in Taegrin Caelum, but when I was in that cavern with Cadell, I was speaking with my clones, it was pretty much all I could do for a week.

I know that the mind slave spell was almost done, and truthfully, it probably was right now. I also spoke with the clone at Seris's estates, I kept my word, she wanted to know what was happening, so I was informing her on everything.

Fenyir was upset with me for what I did in the Relictombs, pushing her through the portal so I could hand myself over to Cadell without him finding out she was working with me. She understood eventually, but it took a lot of talking to calm her down.

Damn Fenyir for making me feel things for others, well, that was partly due to the Relictombs though, I think that Hades's theory was right. I was actually considering changing my plans for people's safety, but for now, I was keeping with it, I still didn't give a shit about the Alacryan soldiers, I would kill them all if I had too.

"What are you thinking about?" Agrona asked from my side, this morning we did another round of test on people to see if we could make Vritras, but it didn't work, I honestly think we killed another fifteen people for this project.

"I was zoned out." I answered him, crossing my arms as Cecilia kept on going. "Look at Nico, he's such a tool." I shook my head, he was the other side of Cecilia, watching her like a hawk, standing beside him was Draneeve and Cadell, they didn't like me.

"On that, we agree." Agrona responded, the spells cut off as Cecilia looked over at us. "Good job." He clapped his hands and I merely stood there; I didn't need to clap for her. "How does it feel being near white core?"

"I can feel the difference already." Cecilia responded as we approached, the three on her other side did the same. "I have to imagine when I hit white core, I'll be even stronger." Agrona nodded his head as he thought about what she could do.

"You will, child, you will be the strongest person in this world." I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't, it would be rude. "I think it may be time for you to take part in some action." I could feel my hands twitching in excitement, I was bored, this calmness was too much for me, I liked chaos. "Draneeve, would you spar with the Legacy?"

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