You are Nothing

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Agrona Vritra

A portal opened up in front of me. "Cadell, make sure to keep an eye on Nico." He bowed as I stepped into the portal, ending up in a grass field, a blue shield surrounding me. I felt a smirk form on my face as I walked over to a pit with purple bars over it, keeping the person in it from using mana. "Hello, Devil."

"What's good?" Virion said from within the prison, he was lying there, unmoving, looking up at me. "Have you come to let me out?" He asked, the kid was covered in blood and dirt, such a pitiful sight.

"That depends." I continued to look down at the brat. "You have two choices, both resulting in your death." Virion didn't seem to be bothered by that statement. "One, I let you here to die, and hang your body up as a decoration when you are finished, or you drop the blood shield around your brain, and I erase your mind, making you, my puppet."

"Haha." The brat laughed slowly. "I'll pick option one." His red eyes were twitching up at me as he took in my sight. "How's Sylvie?" He asked, not caring that he was going to die. "She doing good?"

"Yes." I answered. "My daughter is doing well." I could see him roll his eyes, but the twitch in them didn't fade, he was clearly going insane. "You know Devil, I'd say you have about four to five months left until you die, with your asuran body, the mana in it is keeping you alive for now, you are feeding on it, but eventually that mana will fade away."

"No shit." Virion said, grabbing his heart as he did, like he was feeling pain. "I know how mana works." He formed a fist in his right hand. "Don't worry, I'll accept my last couple of months alive with joy." I shook my head. "What? Not the answer you were looking for? Let me out then, we can have a nice chat."

"When will you learn, you are nothing more than a child, you aren't special." I told him, shaking my head. "You are nothing." He tilted his head at me, his eyes tracking my every moment. "Don't look at me like that Lesser, you know that there is nothing you can do anymore."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He smiled, and then went on. "I am nothing, wow, no wonder you aren't good with children." Virion stood up very slowly, still looking up at me. "Why not kill me now?"

"I want you to see that you are nothing, I want you to suffer until the end of your life." I paused, smirking down at the brat. "I want you to see just how powerless you are compared to me, stuck in a pit, at my mercy, left to die in the middle of nowhere." His smile didn't fade, he truly was crazy. "Ten steps ahead they said, I don't think so, you were a child playing with gods."

"Hahahaa." Virion laughed out loud, causing me to stop and look down at him. "A child playing with gods, I'm a god myself though, so am I a child god playing with gods, or just a god playing the game?"

"What the hell are you saying?" I asked him, shaking my head, my smile forming back on my face. "You are the child in a pit, powerless, left for dead. There isn't a single thing you can do, and yet, you keep on chatting up a storm."

He pointed up at me, nodding his head, his red eyes staring daggers into my soul. "You know I'm a chatter." The brat shrugged, sitting back down as he did. "Hahaha, I may be dead soon, but I won't change how I act." Virion paused, waving his hands out. "I'm the Devil of Dicathen."

"Not anymore." I said, and he nodded his head. "You are now Virion Leywin, a Lesser from Dicathen." He stopped nodding, and just stared. "A fool, I should go and get your brother, show him you in this pit, and just how pitiful you are, then as you sit down there, I'll hang his body up before you, making you watch him slowly die, unable to do anything."

"That's dark." Virion's smile was still on his face. "That's why I like you, Agrona." He paused for a second, then went on. "If only you would have come to us with a treaty, instead you started a war, taking away my sanity in the process, but that doesn't matter anymore. I'm a dead man, right?"

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