The Next to Fall

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Virion Lewyin

I opened my eyes, laying in a bed, I was definitely in the medical wing, I knew this ceiling. I slowly lifted my head, and in the room staring at me with wide eyes was my mother, father, Elder Virion, Queen and King Eralith, Arthur, and... "Veer!" Sylvie said, jumping onto the bed, and hugging me.

"Sylv?" I said, hugging her, how long was I out?

"My poor boy." My mother came over to my other side as Sylvie released me and she hugged me. "Are you okay? What happened to you?" She asked me two questions, and instead of answering them, I examined my body, the wounds I had were gone.

"How long was I out?" I asked, not answering my mother, but leaning my head onto her shoulder as Sylvie's hand, held my arm because my hands were wrapped.

"Two days." Elder Virion said, and my eyes widened.

"Veer." My father sat behind me, placing his hand on my shoulder. "It's good to see you up, champ." Arthur walked over and sat on the edge of the bed where Sylvie was.

"You had us worried." He told me and sent me a warm smile. I looked around the room again, not seeing Ellie anywhere, Arthur seemed to realize what I was searching for. "Ellie is in her room, we didn't want her seeing you like you were."

"Oh, okay." I answered as I activated my blood healing, trying to speed up this healing process a little more. "What happened at the wall? Everything go according to plan?" I asked Arthur and Sylvie.

"Veer." Arthur said my name, and gave me a meaningful look, the Eraliths stepped up to the bed, and that was when he asked me the question, I wasn't ready for. "What happened to Tessia?" All eyes were on me.

I shot Sylvie a look, and she knew what I was going to say, her eyes started to water before I said anything. "S-s-she's dead." Everyone in the room froze in silence, trying to understand what I had just said. "We were speaking with their representative, and a volley of attacks came at us, but by the time we noticed it was too late." I lifted my head off of my mother and looked up at the tear filled eyes of the Eraliths. "I went to protect her, but I didn't make it, and took serious damage myself."

"No!" Queen Eralith fell to her knees, and tears came pouring out her eyes, King Eralith was crying as well, but I could see he was holding back. "My daughter is dead!"

"Come on, Merial." King Eralith said, helping her to her feet. "Let's get you to your room." The King and Queen left my room without saying another word, crying about the loss of their daughter.

Elder Virion was examining me, his eyes watering. "Is that how you killed twenty five thousand soldiers? Your mind snapped, and you lost control." I didn't answer, I just looked at the ground, feeling bad about lying, but I needed to do what I had to.

"Veer, but..." Arthur said, his eyes looking at me, trying to see if I was lying, but he wasn't going to read me so easily. "She-she wasn't supposed to die, y-you said..." He stood up, I could sense his heart beating faster than usual. "Veer, why?"

I rubbed my eyes with my wrapped hands, forcing a tear to fall from one of my eyes. "I'm sorry, Arthur." I told him, and he looked at me in disbelief, then sat back down in silence, his head in his hands. My father got up from behind me, and made his way over to Arthur, sitting down next to him with his arm around him. "I tried, I truly did, I tried to save her!" I said loudly, forcing more tears to fall, and my mother pulled me into a hug.

"I don't understand." Sylvie said from next to me, and I could hear her crying as well now too. "How could she be dead?" As the room took in my words, I tried to remove the fabric currently wrapped around my hands.

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