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Virion Leywin

I had black mist envelop the area around me, and black tendrils started to tear through the soldiers that remained, I was using Mawar's magic, the steal tips of the tendrils slicing up flesh with ease.

"Ahh!" The soldiers screamed in pain as I killed what was left of them, twenty thousand men and women were killed today, all of them Alacryans, I shot black spikes at the last group of soldiers, impaling them, and then I just stood there.

I stood outside the walls of Etistin, surrounded by ten thousand corpses, I had four clones kill the other ten thousand inside of Etistin, I took on these men by myself. 'We should get out of here soon, your clone that fought the Vritras was defeated.' Hades thought to me, and I nodded my head.

'Yeah, I have to say, this was enjoyable.' I looked around at the corpses, most of them you couldn't even recognize, it was a pleasant sight, I closed my eyes and took a long breath, then spoke to the clones in the city. 'Locate any mages in the city, those are the priority.'

'On it.' They all sent back, gathering the mages they could find, we probably had a good ten minutes before the Vritras got back here, they were coming in at superhuman speed.

I went to step over a corpse, but slipped, and ended up falling onto my ass, causing Hades to laugh. "Hahha." I sat there on the ground, next to the countless corpses. 'Mawar's abilities are actually cool, being able to conjure black tendrils out of the mist that can basically cut through almost anything, with you being a full Vritra blood, you make it even more powerful.'

'I know right.' I said, reaching a handout and placing it on the head of a soldier that I killed, then pushed down to get myself up, crushing his skull as I did. 'I am surprised that I never even heard of her, well, not really, they probably say her name once or twice in the novel.'

'It's good you sent a clone to obtain her while you were on a rampage fighting Cadell and Dragoth.' Hades said to me as I started walking quickly over the corpses into the city, trying to make my way to where the clones are gathering the mages. 'I have to say, it is weird that you have her locked in a cell with a mana collar on.'

'Is it?' I said, looking at the open gate in front of me. 'They literally had Lance Varay in the dungeon with a mana collar on, I don't feel bad about it at all, and when we figure out this mind slave spell, she'll be the first person I turn.'

'Second.' Hades said, and I nodded, yeah, he had a point, I would turn her second. 'And I guess you are right, they did the same with Lance Varay, I think it is just weird because you are doing it in the Sand Grotto, where they are doing it in an actual dungeon.'

'Hey, it is an actual dungeon.' I told him. 'I designed it myself with earth magic, I like it, of course there are only five cells at the moment, but that is because we only have three prisoners, or test experiments, whatever you want to call them.'

'True.' Hades said as I entered the city, I wasn't going to be able to save all these people, that is why I am saving the mages first, with them, I can free the others easier. 'Should I have the clone at the Sand Grotto set the warp pad for the Wall or the bunker?'

'The Bunker.' I told him, and Hades sent a mental transmission to the clone that controlled the warp pad, since the clones and I are all mentally linked, one clone is able to track when another is, so I can have a portal opened to teleport anywhere a clone is, sometimes though, it takes time, like right now, we had to set the portal to teleport to the bunker, then set the portal to Etistin, then back to bunker, it was confusion, but it basically only worked because I had a hive mind.

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