Aether Core

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'W-what the fuck did I miss?' Hades asked in my head as he stared at Fenyir and I. 'Why is she in her bra and panties, Virion? Why didn't you tell me? I would have been her much sooner!' I just shook my head as we stood there together staring at my bond in his giant serpent form.

"Good job, Hades." Fenyir said, giving him a smile, he was the one that found the switch, we had been out this all day, it should be dark right now, but I guess in here, it is always day, but that was just a guess. "We can finally leave this place." Fenyir and I turned to where our clothes were, I had already dried us off using wind magic.

"Thank you!" Hades exclaimed, changing back into his small serpent form, and slithering towards me. "Are you going to do it, Veer?" He asked as he entered my blood stream, relaxing in my body.

"About that, Fenyir, we aren't leaving quite yet." I told her, then went on. "I wanted to clear this place before I tried something, but there is a lot of aether in the atmosphere here, and I have to do something."

"Alright?" She said questioningly as we started towards our clothes. "Mind me asking what you want to do?" Fenyir examined my body, trying to figure out what I wanted to do in here still.

"I want to build an aether core, well, try to build one." I said, turning towards the girl in her undergarments, not caring that I was here. "I don't know if you know what that is, but I need to try to form one before we leave." It has to work, I need to have one, it'll make bringing Sylvie back to this world much easier.

"I don't, but it doesn't matter to me, I think we are safe now, so it's fine." She said, and I looked on ahead, starting to bring the aether I felt in the atmosphere to me, not doing anything with it yet, but getting ready to manipulate it into my body. "Our clothes are right there." She pointed at her shirt and skirt; my clothes were right next to hers.

We walked up to our clothes, and I felt Hades moving around near my core, getting ready to trap the aether around it. I had a lot of hope that this would work, it would be a game changer. I reached down and grabbed my black long sleeve, slipping it back on.

I sat down on the ground, slipping my socks and shoes on, Fenyir was still standing, placing her skirt on, she had already placed her shirt back on with her armor covering it, after she finished with her skirt she sat down with me, placing her stockings and everything else on.

"Should I just sit here and watch you do what you want to?" Fenyir asked as she looked into my eyes, both of us fully dressed again.

"You can stay here, it's not a big deal." I said, turning my attention forward then closing my eyes. "Just focus on our surrounding, make sure nothing gets too close without letting me know, I am going to focus on what I am doing here."

"On it." She answered and I started to bring the aether around me into my body, moving it closer and closer to my core, bringing more and more in, not knowing exactly what I was doing, just winging it at the moment.

'We need a lot more aether.' Hades thought to me, and I kept on going, adding more and more aether to the areas around my mana core, I ignored everything else that was going on, not caring what Fenyir was doing. 'This may take a decent amount of time, I hope you know, if it works that is. Also, why haven't you healed the lady yet?'

'Uhh, I didn't feel like it, and I know it will take time.' I responded as I felt for the poison in Fenyir's blood stream and healed her. After I healed her, I brought more aether into my body. 'You think using blood acceleration to make this go faster is a bad idea? I mean, I don't see why not, it shouldn't make it more difficult.' I said, thinking about how I could make this go a lot faster.

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