Dream Zone Pt. III

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"Whoever the fuck is down there, I'm gonna beat the holy hell out of you." I said, activating all the spells I was using from before, allowing the blue fire emitting out of my body to be my guide. I started walking down the stairs, not really caring what was down here, conjuring an ice sword and dragging it along the way with me.

I stepped off the stairs, and into the basement, there were boxes, old wooden ones, tools, it was a creepy basement, pretty much what you would expect, the ground was hard, cold, and in the center was large open space, sitting on the ground was Fenyir, she was cut up pretty badly, but she was alive.

"You good?" I asked, looking at the maid, her outfit sliced, revealing parts of her chest, I could also see her panties, but it wasn't anything I hadn't seen before, well, slightly. "Fenyir?" I said, looking at her as I walked over to her on the ground, legs spread, but on her knees and ass.

"I'm fine." She said, looking up at me with teary eyes. "You know, I could hear your conversation up there." I tilted my head, looking at her confused, was that supposed to matter to me or something? "You know, Virion, your bond is right, he might not have wanted to say it, but you are a dick."

Her eyes drifted back to the ground as she cried, I felt something start to hurt in my chest, like I was being stung by something. Hades was silent, but I could feel him shaking his head from within me, like he agreed with what she had just said.

I stopped right above her, feeling awful, I didn't know why, but I did, then the lights flickered on, and around me stood five figures, the man with bandages, the one with a knife and a mask, a clown, the girl, and some old creepy looking motherfucker.

"Can't you see, I'm a little busy at the moment, can you get the fuck out of here?" I waved my arms up in the air as I looked at each one, their eyes tracking my every movement. "Haaa, fine, Fenyir, I'm sorry, but it appears my apology is going have to wait." I lowered my hand and rubbed her head, feeling guilty as well.

"Let's play a game." The clown said, and I shook my head, looking at him annoyed. "Let's play a game." I rolled my eyes and waved my hand at him, motioning for him to continue speaking. "You may pick to leave this one down here with us, and she will join this house of misery, and you can leave with the portal that just appeared upstairs, or you can stay and die with her down here."

"Well, there is a third option, isn't there you stupid bitch." I held my hand over my mouth, then held both hands up to the clown. "I don't know why, your face just makes me want to curse you out, I don't know why, it just does." I shrugged. "I'm sorry, back to it, there is a third option, I stomp all your fictional asses, bring this lovely lady up with me, and we both leave this house."

I vanished before them, appearing before the female with long hair, sending my fist into her face, sending her flying into the ground, vanishing, and appearing all throughout the room as I beat the holy hell out of them, sending fist, spells, and my feet into their bodies over and over again until they couldn't get up anymore.

I stood before the clown, holding his red shirt, looking him dead in the eyes as he stared up at me. "I thought you would have put up more of a fight." I said, bringing my fist down into his face, but continuing to hold him up. "All that talk." I sent another fist into his face. "And yet, nothing to back it up." I punched him one last time, then released him onto the ground, these weren't real people, so I could enjoy this for a little.

"Virion?" I heard Fenyir's voice call out, catching my attention, her maid outfit completely ruined, blood gushing down her body, but as my eyes met hers, she looked away, still mad at me I guess, or in pain, one or the other. "Help me up."

She held out two hands, but before I made my way over to her, I lit the bodies on the ground on fire, burning them to ash, making sure they didn't get up, even though I would love a round two. "Hold on." I said, kneeling down beside her, pulling my cloak off. "Here, take this." I placed it around her chest. "I can kinda see your, well, you get it."

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