Dwarven Lance Pt. IV

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Mica Earthborn

Lance Varay, my partner, well, one of my partners was being executed today, it was being broadcasted across the continent for everyone to see. I was in a room with Virion, Trodius, Skarn, Cassandra, and Hornsfels. We had an artifact in front of us, Virion placed it on the table we sat around, the execution though was set to start until later today.

"Are we really going to just let Lance Varay die?" Skarn asked around the table. "King Trodius, can't we send troops there, Lance Virion, can't you storm the city." One thing I have been keeping away from my cousins and everyone was that Trodius was a clone of Virion, the real Trodius is most likely dead, Virion never told me the truth.

"You want me to storm a city by myself, something they did with two armies?" Virion turned to my cousin said. "I could, but the odds are they capture me as well, so I don't think that is a good idea, Skarn."

"Tch." Skarn shook his head. "I just can't believe that we are going to just let Lance Varay die." I couldn't either, I wanted to storm the city with Virion at my side, but the odds are, we would fail, that was true.

"Dammit!" I said, catching the attention of everyone. "There is nothing we can do, we have about five hundred people here who could fight, the others aren't soldiers, just citizens, yes, they could defend the Wall if we needed, but invading a city, no, we don't have the manpower for that." I told them, feeling anger building up, when I looked across the table, Virion was looking at me weirdly, like he was thinking.

"More and more people are coming here each day." King Trodius said, speaking to everyone in the room, but it was Veer controlling him, or just Veer himself, I don't know how it works. "But we will never have the force to stand up against the Vritras here." That was true, we had around two thousand at the Wall, I had no clue where anyone else was, the other Lances, Virion said he lost track of Bairon while they fled.

"Haha." Virion began to laugh for some reason, King Trodius didn't laugh, but he smirked. "My pal, jeez, who would have known." Virion said, and we all looked at him slightly confused, what the hell was that?

"The execution will be in a couple of hours; you all should go and spend some time away before coming back." Trodius was looking at Skarn and Hornsfel only, but then the door swung open, and our attentions snapped to the person before us.

The soldier in brown leather armor from head to toe spoke. "K-King Trodius, a Retainer landed on the top of the Wall, he, he, we...." He couldn't finish his sentence, but we all shot to our feet, Virion got up slowly though.

A Retainer was here! What!

"Who is up there?" Trodius asked the man while Virion walked around the table behind Skarn and Hornsfels, stopping right beside me. "What soldiers are up there?"

"Ten of the elite mages are up there, more mages are heading up as well." The man told Trodius, Cassandra looked to Virion, she looked worried as well, so whatever was happening, Virion didn't tell her about it.

"Get everyone down to the first floor." Trodius ordered him. "Everyone, all the mages, Lance Mica and Virion will handle everything." I looked at Virion, he nodded his head, not worried in the slightest, I guess he has defeated a bunch of them already.

"Cassandra." Virion said, waving her over. "I need to speak to you beforehand." He said, and then turned to me. "Mica, wait for me at the stairs, we'll go up together." The soldier ran out of the room, making his way to alarm everyone.

"Cousin, be careful, I'll go and get our squad." Skarn said to me, then left the room as well, Hornsfels gave me a head nod, following behind his brother.

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