The Deal

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Nico Sever

All the Scythes were gathered together once again in Agrona's room, he hadn't heard about the deal Cadell accepted, actually, I guess I accepted it, but if Virion Leywin does what he promised, then he should show himself at some point.

"The Asuras did what?" Agrona asked, Cadell told him about how the dragons torching the Elven Kingdom and the one Asura blowing it up, killing probably over a million people, I didn't know the amount of people there, nor did I care.

"It appears, dragons attacked Elenoir, and that Aldir, used his abilities to destroy both the Wall that housed thousands of people, and incinerated the Elven Kingdom to ash, killing millions." Cadell said, looking at an interested Agrona, he seemed to find this all fascinating. "Virion Leywin made a deal with us, he said if we would help him defend Elenoir for as long as we could to buy some of the elves time, he would hand himself over and give you a vessel."

"You fought against the dragons?" Agrona asked, and we all nodded our heads, and he smirked slightly. "They broke the treaty, makes sense, they don't want me to have the Devil or the Legacy, I would do the same, but to use that on them, tch." He shook his head, then looked at Cadell with a slightly angrier expression. "So, where is the child?"

"We only fought with clones." Cadell said, and while he spoke, I could see Seris in the back, she seemed a little annoyed by something. "We were told that he was here in Alacrya." I turned back to Agrona, and his expression became one of joy, realizing something that I didn't seem to get. "But we were unable to speak to the clones afterward as they were killed in the battle."

"I see, I see." Agrona said, looking away from Cadell and at me. "It looks like you might have been right, Nico." I was having trouble following, but at the moment, my anger wasn't acting up, knowing soon enough, if Virion did do what he said, we would have a vessel. "I think the Devil is in the Relictombs, just like his brother."

"The Relictombs, how would he get in there?" Dragoth asked, a look of confusion on his face as he tried to understand how Virion got into the Relictombs.

"How did Arthur Leywin get in there?" Agrona asked, then smirked. "It doesn't matter, Cadell, go, I think the boy will keep his word, I doubt he even knows at the moment, I don't see how his mental connection with the clones would be stable while he is in there, but I bet he will do as they said."

"Okay." Cadell said, turning to the exit, getting ready to leave.

"Wait." Agrona stopped Cadell in his tracks with his words. "Hide in the shadows, allow him time to gather everything, he'll sense you, and most likely will go to you." Cadell nodded his head. "Also, Cadell, be careful with him, the child doesn't take bullshit, be calm, there is no need for mana restricters."

Cadell didn't respond, he left the room and got ready to go to the Relictombs, so he could obtain Virion. "If I am not needed here anymore, I will be taking my leave then." Seris said, stepping up into the center of the room, her eyes on Agrona.

"You are all dismissed, Viessa, I expect you to guide the Dicatheons into their new ways." Agrona told the Scythe that she had to go back to Dicathen, she was the so-called Regent. "I don't think the Asuras are going to do something like that again, I even have a feeling that Aldir will betray Kezess, but we will see."

"I will." Viessa bowed to Agrona, then left the room, walking like she owned the place, Melzri followed, the two started speaking to one another when she caught up, and I could see smirks on their faces.

Seris was next, then Dragoth, but I stayed, I didn't leave this place like they did, this was my home, and unfortunately, Agrona was one of the few people I could talk to. "What is it Nico?" Agrona asked, sitting down in his seat, crossing his legs, joy clearly on his face.

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