First, Second, Third Try But I'm Still Here DYE (Error)

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Error wasn't sure when it all started. Was he born just to suffer? A childhood of fear fleeing from the humans before being locked into the all encompassing darkness of the underground. It took a while for the monsters to bring the place to life as their new home.

Then Gaster their father who studied and started researching souls obsessively. He didn't have qualms about experimenting on him. Unfortunately Error or Sans at the time had a knack for science, he also had the birth status of a judge with an instinctual grasp of souls, it was a relief when Gaster fell into the void.

People forgot about Gaster and he himself was being thought of as Alphs assistant. Quitting came immediately the whole science thing disgusted him. The king was aware of his ability as a judge somehow and he was forcibly conscripted as a guard. It was also the time where he met a young skelly called Papyrus and took him in.

The skelly became the light of his life, but everything changed for the worse when that human came. It wasn't bad the first few times since the kid took the pacifist and neutral routes. Unfortunately that quickly changed, he lost count how many times he forced to watch his brother die while some force stopped him from action until they reached the castle.

Eventually he snapped, if determination was so unstable then he just needed more of it than the human to stop the resets. He returned to the lab which he had once sworn to never do and injected himself with determination. It was the most painful experience as swaths of his soul shattered leaving only a half left and now stuck in the save screen. The determination burned through his very being an agony unlike any other.

An eternally aching wound and painful glitches flared around his body. The space was all black nothingness.

He could only watch through the save screen as an imposter or copy took his place by those people's side. Eventually the kid had gotten them out of the save screen after a pacifist run. But then the kid started spouting off about not getting a chance to save Azeral to the other monsters convincing them for another reset.

Sans no now Genocide or Geno tried to convince them not to do it, but the king and queen as well as the citizens voted an agreement to do so. It infuriated him and he awakened in the save screen feeling so damn tired of it all. He was eventually freed again by the kid but he could only see the demons amusement at continuing to crush any hope.

He didn't care about getting enough determination to permanently end this, no instead he took another determination shot to at the very least shatter his own soul. A true death and freedom from the cycle. The pain ripped through him and he kept falling and falling until only white surrounded him.

He was alone in endlessness white. Trapped for who knows how long even the small fragment of soul he had left felt such grief and despair within the maddening white that he cried. Those tears trails filled with magic evolved inside the anti void creating blue streaks.

The place had a larger side affect causing the magic of his soul to mutate to survive and his body mutated with it . His bones became black and magic sparked into error signs to defy the pressure of the anti void.

Adaptation and determination he could open one way portals and somehow the codes of the multiverse started to unravel in front of his eyes. He watched the universes, but at one point he watched some collided and like a domino affect it started to spread straight back to the original. Before he knew it everything was gone and he was left alone in this place with his thoughts for an unknown amount of time. Suddenly a new universe formed exactly like the original.

Many more steadily came into being. Unfortunately collisions seemed likely to happen and he wasn't interested in being alone with only the black outside and the white within the anti void again. Feared it even as his mind deteriorated with only those two sights for centuries . So he ripped the universes apart if they grew to close his mutated magic so very useful for this.

Eventually he found himself confronted a self proclaimed protector and creator of universes. He made his self assignment far harder not just with the fights, but at the rate the being pumped out universes left him over worked even with the boosts levels gave him.

He couldn't bring himself to stop if only because of the nothingness that would be left behind would drive him even more mad. It was a different type of abuse as the multiverse turned against him and when all the Sans started leaving their universes.

Good guys vs bad guys vs Error. He was alone again but as long as all the beautiful colors and interesting things stayed he tried not to care. It all came to a head when every Sans good and bad attacked him in a trapped au.

He drowned in the pain unable to die, but made a decision out of nowhere he pulled out his own glitched fragment of a soul and crushed it to dust. It was probably the worst mistake of his life as agony ripped through his body.

Everything felt wrong wrong as it faded faded away to nothingness emptiness. He fell through a universe for the second time as he was in a glitched spazzing state. He felt nothing yet wrong at the same time as he continued before appearing in white again.

He barely bring out the will to do anything. .............Anti void again..........................................(years)

His body jerked reflexively as the feeling of of inks paints splashed on him. The taste that entered his mouth at the yellow substance tasted good. Something warm pulsed in his ribs and he used all his tongues to lick the stuff his face. Emotions excitement reached its way through his being before the muted swirls of more familiar emotions made its way through his body.

He mind catching up because Ink's paints giving him emotions after losing his soul made stupid amount of sense in a twisted sort of way. The white place around him was churning with different colored paints from no where. He was extremely confused. Did he end up in Ink's secret paint stash?

The whole experience was strange and opening up the portal he found the universe an empty black space again. The excitement that had been steadily dragged down by his oddly muted emotions plummeted.

It felt so strange and some part of his connection with the ink made him want to go sip from the blue pool. He did it if only to feel more normal. The despair that came hit him hard. What was the point anymore? And yet he was stuck here in this broken cycle of life and death that could never claim him.

Time was still a funky thing and the inks got easier for him. He magic mutated and he twisted rainbow colored ink from his fingers. Creation magic and the call of the multiverse to make a specific place. Instead of hearing the cry of pain from the multiverse as it had been stretched to its limits. Or the sleepy humming when nothing existed. As his existence changed he decided to take on a new name Dye.

He listened to the call and formed the world to the multiverse's will. This would be the core and original that the others branch from. An undertale that he felt was different from the previous core originals. After finishing he looked closer and finding that both it and others that branch off will be soulmate universes. He chugged down his blue vile and some red. A bitterness and sadness at the loss of opportunity.

This would be a different type of torture. When outcodes start to appear he won't be able to really ignore the differences especially now without a soul. He didn't have Ink's childish air and with the Flowey problem his situation was going to be as bad as Error's own eventually.

It was a slow process of waiting for the multiverse to be ready and creating the next of each tale he knew quite well along with its soulmate twist. It made him understand that he would only ever come second when soulmates were involved their priority was always each other no matter how they fought against the bond it would win.

He'd love to just dose himself on the happier emotions, but it makes everything feel off if he uses the wrong ink. Forced which is just strange since it is the purpose of the ink to force emotions through the husk of his empty body.

He kept himself hidden even after the universes started interacting with each other. Watched and created new worlds before hiding away so no outcodes could find him. He was surprised he stayed an unknown for this long.

He drank yellow at the new world he created. There was something strangely beautiful watching the rainbow colors of paint and code used to form the world to the will of the multiverse. Colors are the things he will always looked forward to.

He wondered how long this will last. No bad thoughts. Bad thoughts. Stop it Dye.

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