Crossover Idea Mass Effect

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Mass Effect crossovers can be stupidly detailed and interesting.

So in this multiverse/universe the monsters are freed from the underground by Frisk like usual except the monster population is far larger than the original. Like their underground kingdom was huge. Though tensions were high and a few wars over the next few centuries. Magic was reawakened in humanity and technology was forced to fuse with it during and after the conflicts. The two races live together now and have succeeded in space travel.

They found the remains of the last race and the giant warp portal. Magi tech helped translate what was contained within and they learned of the mass genocidal reapers. They integrated some components of their alien technology and decided to seal the portal for now. The earthlings agreed they weren't advanced enough to deal with such dangers.

When they do finally open up to the other races they learned a few things. For one since monsters and humans have evolved to wield soul magic a long time ago. No other race could do the same without taking thousands of years to evolve themself. It caused tension as earthlings could use such powerful abilities exclusive to their race.

The fact the monster species so varied and different between categories like skeletons, goats, spiders, fish, and lizards made integration more difficult. They also disagreed with a lot of the laws as Metaton and others of his unique ai nature were to be put down. So the decision earthlings had to make would be to either destroy the warp, go to war or find a way to stay independent.

The earthlings were far more wide spread than previous as magi tech made terraforming even moons easy.

1)Error and the others were born after the monsters were freed. The skeletons population was large here.
a)They are just people who have lived through the wars and are powerful
b)They remember their past lives as Sans and have a truce the live in this multiverse together after figuring out they remember

2)Frisk frees the monsters and lives til this day. The magical density in the underground gave them pseudo monster status.
a)Frisk lives on through the wars a peacemaker and warrior with the long lived monsters
b)When the magic density increased other humans started living longer as well

3)A mix of the two ideas
a)Frisk is in command of these skeletons and keeps them in line. A tiring unthanking job.
b)they're just distantly involved with each other

Things are named differently as monsters and humans combine their cultures and ways of life.(I'm being to lazy to look up what the names of the technology like the portals and remains.)

[How did I forget to post this. It looks like a neat idea. I always found mass effect to be fun to crossover especially the concepts before the alien wars like when humanity evolves a completely different set of technology and culture. Monsters and humans evolving tech and history in a weird way. With the existence of magic and tech terraforming worlds is easier while teleportation stations could be a thing.]

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