When Change Spirals (Error)

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Error stared blankly down at his white hands noticing the gross blood dripping from him. The space around him was an all consuming black. Error choked on his breath and threw his head back to laugh. A mad broken sound echoed in this place and tears started falling.

What was this situation? Wasn't the multiverse dead? Ink had made sure Error couldn't escape the seal nor could anyone break him free. The multiverse should have fallen with the balance of creation and destruction being broken. And this place.........it revived his memories of being Genocide. So what happened between the time of being sealed and getting here?

A sick joke.......a way to punish him for failing his duties. Was he dreaming? No he could feel the sharp pain from his eternal wound and glitches. Error turned his attention to reaching into the codes. They opened up easily yet also felt off. His magic wasn't completely error in nature nor like his Geno self. Like they were mashed together into something new. He focused back on the codes and the data of aftertale appeared.

He was really here again wasn't he? He expanded his search over the multiverse and found it to be different. Smaller.......younger. He checked the age of the multiverse. It was thousands of years younger than it used to be. What the hell had happened while he was sealed away?!! Error continued looking over everything finding the multiverse to be perfectly balanced.

He wasn't sure what to do now. A vacation until Ink gets creative crazy. Ink already exists at the moment and Error has no desire to approach the artist. So Error relaxed in the black space and watched some of the aus for entertainment. He stole little things to make his space comfy. Much better place than the antivoid and he was too paranoid to rejoin civilization. Drawing attention to himself was too easy being eternally bleeding and glitchy. Meh he could probably fix that.......later.

Ink appeared here one day. Error had a full blown panic attack eventually calming down. He was thrown completely off course when he sensed Ink had a soul....what the hell...  . Error was his rude glitchy self trying to drive the creator away. Ink kept coming back although at least he had some tact and self control compared to his soulless self. Better memory too, but why the hell doesn't the bastard leave him alone.

(Ink is totally flirting with ErrorGeno) (So I had the thought What if Geno was seduced by Ink instead of Reaper? To make it more twisted decided to make it so Error's multiverse died/lost and he ended up being integrated in a new multiverse as a Geno and destroyer combo. He dislikes people and will watch them through screens for the drama.) ( I have trouble in this scenario deciding if it's better for Ink to be extremely apathetic to most mortal plights outside of curiosity or a goody two shoes Star sans here to help.)

(These titles are as random as I can make it while keep to these little short story/ideas. Surprisingly I find my pacing at two chapters a week.)

#Would you like me to just through two chapters at you on the same day or split them up to 1 at the start of the week and another near the end of the week?#

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