A Tale (Multiverse)

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Now let me tell you a story. A story about monsters. Long ago their once was a time of peace between races. But then a seed was planted, a seed of fear. For monsterkind were unique and caring, they were one of the most selfless species to exist. Just like in any other story though there would be those filled with hate and desire. Those filled with jealousy and greed to take advantage of such kindness. They plotted and took advantage of others kindness for their own benefit

Unlabeled slavery and tricky words to use that kindness for their own gain. Make them the scapegoats have them take the fall. Nothing done outright or obviously, but people started thinking lesser of the monsters as many resemble beasts and animals unlike other beings. Monsters were looked down upon more and more.

With that mentality ingraining itself within the races to some extent the other species put themselves on a pedestal and monsters under it. So when monsters proved themselves capable far beyond that their fears rose. Had the monsters been hiding their strength all along? How are they so powerful? They should be soft and easily controlled. They can't be better than them.

Were they planning to revolt? How could a lesser being be so powerful? Many thoughts, fears, and paranoias manifested. And how were the monsters handling all this? Just because they were nice and honest people didn't mean they were dumb especially those who have a high position in the kingdom. Monsters were being called back to their kingdom quietly some even returning without the message over the years as their kind started being treated like slaves.

Monsters were extremely loyal to their own especially their king and eventually all monsters were returned as the king had also prepared a specialized group his elites to rescued the captive or trapped monsters. Still to retrieve all of their kind was only possible because of the nature of monsters as they are a long lived species which means they don't have a limit to their life span. In a world balanced on a scale to compensate for this it means monsters are rarely able to produce children and protect them fiercely all.

Monsters knew their own population well and they had monsters capable of dream magical which could locate each monster in their dreams.

It was unfortunate that retrieving them all lead to a shared fate and a disappearance to an entire branch of species. The humans betrayed them along with the other races pushing them back and sealing them underground. Now the monsters of today are told this tale by their parent. About the power of fear, disloyalty and betrayal and yet also told about one day seeing the surface again.

Monsters were wise from their long lives. They know it has been ten thousand years and the surface might be nothing like it was. They imparted their kindness and sensible weariness in their young. Their population has exploded in that time far surpassing the kingdom before and yet not every monster had lived to this point. You see some monsters feel they have lived long enough and go through a process of fading where they dispel the magic in their soul and return to be one with the world.

Not everyone wants to live for eternity. Especially if they lost loved ones to war or even lose their mate. Monsters were carful in teaching the young about their history as they didn't want them to be vengeful. Although it was a bit easy as because of both their nature and even if monsters pretend otherwise they knew they could have opened the seal at any point during this time. The same power the other races feared could have easily crushed the seal.

The king was waiting for the population to grow and be able to defend themselves before returning. It was the only reason he allowed the seal in the first place. Monsters had been pretty content with it as their wasn't a silent sword of the other races on their head or the raw animosity that they couldn't stand.

It was finally time for them to return. Monsters had invented high tech magical tools ensuring this place and their future home were protected by shields and other objects.

So the King grabbed his elite warriors and shattered the barrier separating the two worlds.

The elite warriors stood as the strongest of the monsters and it wasn't strange at all that they were all skeleton monsters. For skeleton monsters were the most powerful of the monster species and so was their King. Now to return to the world of above what kind of changes await.

(This is a fantasy world where the setting of heroes, demon kings, fairies, elves, and dungeons exist. Although in the past the beings born from dungeons were called beasts that could evolve into the higher races now they are now called monsters as time had destroyed all information about what the actual monster species was.)

(I just thought I had never heard of an Undertale that uses this type of universe with all the sans characters like this. Sure there's empireverse but this new multiverse matches more along the lines of video games and levels in a world with many species like you'd expect from a fantasy world.)

(Previously the world outside was split into kingdoms. Monsters one small kingdom the may human and demon kingdoms. The fairy, elf, dragon, and mere kingdoms hidden away from easy access. The dwarf and harpy kingdoms in hard to reach places. The tensions were high between races as humans didn't only treat monsters in such a manor.

Monsters were just the first to fall and easiest to attack combined with the rising fear and others expecting them to be slaves. What made other species different from monsters is the fact many species mostly looked human with animal tails, ears, wings and a few other features. Not to Mention monsters are purely made of magic and other species bleed.)

(Of course they can also crush the seal their literally considered gods, guardians, and a bunch of op characters in another multiverse. Not going to downgrade their opness as this world has powerful beings within it. The monsters withdrew into the seals because keeping everyone safe wasn't possible and the king knew the monsters would have gone extinct one way or another if they fought against these forces.)

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