Error Resets

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Error groaned in annoyance at the remains of the multiverse. Damned Ink. Error almost beat his record of how long he could keep the multiverse alive. But noo the moron somehow created a universe that literally self destructed and smashed into the original universe. This meant he had to start all over........again.

Error pulled out a reset button except this button read multiverse reset in flashing red lights. Still though he'll definitely get something good for keeping the multiverse alive this long. You see every time the multiverse resets Error gets a new skill or something that counteracts a weakness of his. It meant he was more powerful with each reset.

But the best abilities come from the resets that take the longest to happen. He gained the ability to open portals anywhere no matter the defenses and locks on the universe with his last highest reset. He used it to consistently prank Ink's place and at times invade the omega timeline.

With this next reset Error was forced to Reboot and awaken at the beginning of the multiverse. He had adjusted to the code of the new ability he gained and grinned. Oh hell yeah. He could now permanently destroy a determined soul. No more having to constantly drop them off in his antivoid.

(At this point Error treats life as a video game after being forced to reset the multiverse for hundreds of times. He gets stronger with every reset and it's easier to deal with the balance. The longer the multiverse lives though the more opposition he faces with ever increasing deadlier sans and larger groups fighting him for aus. He can't die and instead either auto resets or just glitches back together in the antivoid)

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