New To The Aus

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Ink dies and Error is his replacement. Error was never a destroyer and was in a lock down within his au during the whole bad Sans vs good sans bit. He was the original worst endings of all the original bad Sans and only escaped his au after destroying it through his second intake of dt. After escaping he ended up in the antivoid and the area where Ink's doodlesphere was located.

There he had been changed to soot the multiverse's needs. Using codes to rarely create aus, but mostly to fix up the holes, viruses, or glitches in the multiverse. There was enough universes that there wasn't a need for another creator, but instead an up-keeper for the aus. He stayed hidden, but knew the general scene of the multiverse as his screens would sometimes look out for multiversal events.

He was bitter and disliked people and didn't want to deal with the whole scene the previous guardian had left in his absence.

The previous guardian of positivity went bonkers as the guardian of negativity was killed by the protector. So he killed the previous protector of aus and the other Star Sans from a Swap au. Then he mimicked his brother to some degree and started recruiting and sometimes caused chaos like the previous one except not that often. He went by Shattered now and had a dustswap along with others.

The other power in the multiverse were those living in the omega timeline and a few originals that make up a Council.

Error which was the name he threw at himself wished he could finally just die, but the multiverse seemed to have seen it as a correctable issue after the end of the previous guardian so now Error reforms after each death. A cruel irony that the most suicidal beings are chosen as guardians.

He wondered if the multiverse targeted him because he barely had a fragment of a soul left and was a Sans like Ink. Seriously was the criteria for Error and Ink really fucking needed as they had a lot in common from what he could read from the codes.

(Could still be the normal route of nightmare and his gang existing, but I like to add extra twists when they come to me so yeah)

I'm now making a name for my all bad original endings genError because constantly describing it can be frustrating.
Abe for the initials of All Bad Endings.
Haven't decided yet if any of these)

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