Idea #23 Bare Boned

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So Error is fighting whether with Ink or someone else. But his clothes get destroyed and well he had a lot of work to do. He had no spare clothes as they were all destroyed too as Ink had been on a creation spree for months. So Error can't find a point to take a break or spare a bit of time looking for something to fit his taller than most Sans skeleton size.

He continues destroying countless aus in the nude and still had many more to go. It was unfortunate for others that Error doesn't have shame when it comes to nudity. The antivoid is hell on common sense. A naked destroyer is unknowingly causing chaos across the multiverse.

How do you tell a destroyer of aus to put on some clothes without getting dusted?

(This idea was hilarious and I couldn't stop it)(Although Error might not be aesthetically pleasing to look at for most humans. Monsters and especially skeletons are another matter)

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