Fallen Plans and Madness (fgodError)

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Error cackled madly as fates strings clenched and cracked his soul. It seemed that fates mechanisms had lead to her own son's situation. Everything has gone off the script but what would you expect from the bad guys not to break the rules. Nightmare recruiting every bad guy and making all shorts of despicable deals to become a king.

Dream being forcibly turned into Shattered Dream. Bill sans, Cross sans, Horror sans and a copies of other miserable sans. Fatal Error, Fresh, and Anti sans. They all were working to end Ink sans and his allies. Unfortunately for Ink he is far out gunned as non of his allies have the raw power of the army.

It seemed that the final fight was near its end when fate had called upon him to save her son. The restrictions on him being removed for however long this lasts. She did want all of those guys to suffer as the spiteful bitch she was. Error stepped through a portal to the center of the fight. Most of the good sans dusted by this point.

He hadn't hesitated to manifest his blasters ripping into the bad guy side feeling he had killed a few in the surprise attack. His strings shot out covering the sky. The bad guys were quick on the take and were already prepped to fight back. Fate hissing spitefully in his head.


Barrages of bones, blasters and anything in between came at him. He grinned feeling the excitement of a true battle. Teleporting he stood on a blaster head and formed hundreds of his own blasters. He kept an eye on ink's movements but otherwise focused on the battle.


Ink stared shocked pain recking his body as his body could barely move. His creations fell one after the other to these malicious sans. There hadn't been any hope for victory from the start but he was unwilling to give up. He knew the fate of the multiverse if he failed and he wouldn't allow it to happen.

Then he appeared the one being that had always stood as his main counterpart. The destroyer of aus Error. For a moment he thought Error was here to give the finishing blow himself. Then he had immediately attacked the other bad guys.

Error was more deadly than Ink especially on a battle field. He can spawn so many blasters and strings that it was like fighting an army. Usually though he never did so when fighting Ink preferring to get close and personal.

It was out of nowhere that Error would fight against the bad guys as he always went after the aus themselves. Ink felt Outer supporting him. None of the survivors knew what to do as their numbers were to small to harm the bad guys and Ink was far to weak for much at the moment.

The bad guys were cursing out the destroyer of worlds for ruining their victory. Nightmare wanted to scream at the insane destroyer for ruining his plans but let his followers to weaken him. Unfortunately for Nightmare fate's curse meant the Error had endless stamina and he was a battle maniac when you get him going.

Steadily the destroyer killed more and more villains giggling insanely. Eventually Nightmare had to join as the Error wasn't slowing down. He had actually killed Bill which should have been impossible.

Nightmare found himself restrained and alone in the strings and Shattered Dream laid knocked out.


He growled out at the creature that proved to be the most dangerous being he had ever met.

"Oh Nighty it's nothing personal. It's just that your FATE was sealed the moment you touched Inky."

For a moment the Nightmare felt true terror as he saw a bright red eye of something truly monstrous wrapped around the Error. Error's own soul tied up in red strings. It's then he realized all his bad grab for power were meaningless as he was wrapped in the red for a single moment of agony.

Then he was stabbed by blue strings that ripped his soul to shreds. He couldn't help but pity the Error at this moment as the deity had imprinted Error's own eternal suffering into Nightmare just to make it all the more painful of a death.

Shattered Dream started to melt and reveal Dream underneath it still alive by Fate's mechanisms. Error snorted at the mercy. Of course Fate would spare her favorite child from the loss of his precious friend and Blue would be resetting in his own timeline once the stolen souls were returned.

Happily ever after for everyone except the permanently dead bad guys as the Error had been forced to destroy those aus before coming to save these people. There would be no second chances for them.

He turned his back and left the broken au.

Maybe the bitch will let him have a break as he literally culled thirty percent of the multiverse. So he slept far longer than a long time. The Error went dormant as Fate watched his son celebrate with everyone the end of many of the most feared sans in the multiverse.

The worry was still on their mind that the Error will return and destroy everything but now friends celebrated being reunited. Dream crying with Blue and Ink over the horrors they faced.

It took a long time before Ink filled the multiverse to its limits again. Over a century for him and his friends as he was distracted by everything he had now. The memories of the destroyer started to fade as some believed the Error had died after destroying all those sans.

Error didn't realize how much time passed after he woke up and he was a bit confused by everything. The bitch didn't say anything as he was a point of amusement for her. He went back to work and it took a while before the Error became a known enemy again.

He was more carful in exterminating so it was a year later before Ink found his aus being destroyed again.

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