Rebooted Error Part 2

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Standing tall Eraser towered over Reboots smaller frame. Reboot unlike what others thought actually liked this fact about Eraser. He used to tower over his tormentors so having someone taller than him was oddly reassuring.

Grinning Reboot bounced now that things have calmed down since there strange truce. Honestly, Eraser had been going overboard for no reason Reboot could discern for a long time now and he still had no idea why. He didn't seem like the type to want the multiverse to end.

They were about to enter Nightmare's mansion as a get together was happening. Reboot felt Eraser lay a hand on his shoulder causing him to stiffen.

"It's just a small gathering Boots no need to get too excited."

Reboot nodded trying suppress his natural reaction to the touch. Eraser pulled the front door open without pause or knocking. He didn't see Reboot flickering errors where he had touched him. Taking a few seconds to fight down his phobia Reboot followed the resident of the mansion to the large living room where everyone was.

Dust and Blue were looking over a phone together whispering about something. Knowing them it was either their ships or something else devious. Dream, Nightmare, Cross, and Killer were discussing calmly together.

Dream and Nightmare both looked up the moment the two arrivals came in. Dream looked worriedly at Reboot for a moment. Making him inwardly cringe. There was a reason why he stayed away from the feelings brothers. Nightmare's expression was unchanged except for narrowed eyes.

Pasting on a smile he heard Killer snort causing him to blink.

"So you two made it. I thought you both got tangled together again."

Reboot looked in confusion and Eraser glared at Killer.

"If anyone is getting tangled it's you. After all Nightmare has so many limbs to teach you lessons with." A smirk curled on Eraser.

Nightmare stared coldly at Eraser. Killer was blushing and looked like his mind had gone somewhere else.

"You know this is still my mansion right."Nightmare stated

"He', you threaten us with that sentence every week it really doesn't work anymore." Eraser grinned cheekily.

Dream, Cross, and Reboot just ignored the quarrel to join their own discussion.
Reboot blinked down at the food in front of him. It was junk food for the movie everyone seemed to want to watch. He was trying to remember what each one was. He rarely ate anything and only with others since he never cared for it. Food wasn't a requirement for his survival.

Reading the packages he finally found chocolate the only thing his fuzzy memory of food went towards. Taking seven of them he went back to sit next to Eraser who had the traditional sans slouch going for him. Reboot made sure they didn't touch at all while trying to seem non suspicion about it.

He held up one of the bars near his teeth getting the niggling feeling he forgot something. He really should have watched a few aus about get togethers like this.

Opening his jaw wide five tentacle like tongues darted out wrapped around the bar and dragged into his mouth. The food instantly broke down tasting really good. He heard Eraser choke beside him making him glance over. Eraser had a dark blush on his cheek bones his jaw going slack.

Reboot didn't notice the others in the room gawking in silence at him. Dust whistled impressed and Blue slapped him in the back.

"Friend Reboot are you okay!"


"Well it's just that wrappers aren't really safe to eat."

Reboot hummed,"My magic can digest anything so don't worry."

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