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A cloaked figure appeared hovering above the surface of the planet. They moved their palm which was a skeletal black with strange blue ring marking on it to press against their face. Pulling back blue glowing threads stretched from under the hood attached to their phalanges.

A quick motion and those strings were shot into the air seamlessly multiplying in number and spreading far beyond into the distance. Blanketing the sky and yet the beings below didn't even seem to noticed the millions of glowing strings. These strings had silently maneuvered to wrap around the souls of every being in the world.

The figured waited until everything was in place. Out of nowhere a scythe appeared in their hands. Black with those same blue lights patterned in rings on it. They landed on the ground and swung their weapon downward to the very core of the universe slicing it clean throw black and blue magic reverberated completely erasing everything it touched from existence.

The world and universe faded into nothing but white of a place called the anti void. A plane of existence that all souls end up in without a reaper to guide them in the after life. All the blue strings were gone now along with the souls wrapped around them as the moment the universe fell and they gained their deaths the cloaked figure could pull them into the realm of the afterlife.

The figure fluttered in the anti void for a moment longer before vanishing to their next destination.

A tall white skeleton hummed a cheery tune they wore a black dress cloak and a bright red scarf around their neck fluttering to some nonexistent breeze. They were cooking some strange dish that bubbled a green color.

He heard the door to their home open and yelled,"Demise come and try my new dish I heard the plants I'm using are good for the bones."

"Are they so good they'll kill me again."

"Demise I have a spatula and I'm not afraid to use it."

In wondered a skeleton who pulled their own black cloaked hood back. They had extremely distinct features. They were a black boned skeleton which alone was extremely different than the known skeleton population. What made it more so was the blue glowing almost tear mark tracks that ran down their cheeks.

The skeleton's left eye had a dark blue large glowing pupil and their right eye was a black void. They also matched the other skeleton with their own black scarf with a third of it at the end being a dark blue.

Demise raised a bone brow.

"Why are you using a spatula for a pot dish?"

"This is my good luck spatula Demise."

Demise slid into the stool seat at the counter and stared at the green bubbling pot with a disturbed sort of curiosity in their eye socket.

"I present to you my master piece."

Demise opened his mouth all five tongues came out and licked into the bowl placed in front of him. The other skeleton stared transfixed waited for the judgement. Demise's expression gave nothing away and they put the bowl down.

"A 4 out of 10 brother Sorry."

The cry of despair escaped out of the taller skeleton.

"What did I do wrong brother I picked all of the best ingredients."

"For one it tasted like human medicine although their was a bit of spiciness that partially masked it. My carnivorous tongue wants to find a quick death now. The mix offends my herbivorous taste buds."

"One day I'll make the perfect dish that will satisfy all your tongues Demise. I swear it upon my scythe"

"Good luck with that Grim." He smirked and glanced back down at the bowl.

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