Negative or Positive Form

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Error stared blankly at the wall as Nightmare continued to rant and rave. Yeah he shouldn't have told the grumpy octopus about the swapped verse.

"Dream ate the apples and grew bird wings while when I eat the apples I turn into a black tentacle monster. Why the hell is that a thing?!!"

Error decided to cut into the repeating rant."It's the balance. What best represents negativity and all that fear and junk? Well in peoples minds an eldrich being made of too many tentacles or a mysterious shadow that stalks ya. And the bird thing is about angels that represent all the good and paradise. Just ideas people have of what represents what."

"Couldn't they have come up with something less debasing." Nightmare hissed tentacles flaring.

"Well maybe you'll change when enough people start to believe all that represents evil is a cat or something."

"What about a demon instead why must I look like this!!"

"Well a lot of people are pretty neutral about demons here, that and ya are being very contradictory about this Nightmare."

"Oh and how so," Nightmare huffed.

"Well I've seen your code enough to know it by heart and know ya can shape shift." Error flatly stated.

"There's a difference in taking a form not your own to live in and using your original. For one it doesn't feel natural."

"Ya well shape shifting is considered a demonic ability in many ways and not every demon looks the same. Ya could easily make yourself the wings and horns of one."

"Just shut up we were discussing why my body looks like an octopus."

"Oh so ya finally admit it then. There's no take backs Nightmare you know what ya are." Error grinned cheekily and escaped as Nightmare hits his limit and tries to murder him.

Killer leaned back and slowly backing from the door and phone held in his hand. Cross doing the same. They crept away as the loud angry screams and crashes reverberated from the room.

"So did you get it",asked Cross leaning towards the phone.

"Yep", Killer grinned waving his phone with the recording.

"Dude, Make sure to send it later." Cross said.

(I just had this strange thought and made a conversation about it that derailed)

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