Crossover Idea Marvel

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Error is reincarnated in the X-men maybe marvel universes by Destiny. He was born from human parents, but was still a black skeleton that is immediately identified as a mutant. Lucky his parents live far away from the city instead in the deep countryside. He had a peaceful childhood and loving farmer parents. He sometimes helped on the fields with his superhuman strength and other farm chores. (Got to give credit to the family willing to raise a baby that looks like a skeleton. If you saw something like that pop out of you you'd probably faint.)

They were quiet about his existence and he lived on the farm and was taught through online classes. As the anti mutant activists have been known to kill entire families for having the mutant gene. They were extremely worried for him so they explained the dangers of being a mutant in this world. Error knew from this that he had to keep a sharp eye on his family to keep them safe. He loved them and they gave an anomaly like him so much.

Word still gets around and Error wasn't a particularly pleasant looking being a black skeleton. In a place like this people would likely to call him a demon and someone somewhere will come to try and take care of him. Error was prepared and caught the intruder during the night. Error didn't sleep and never actually needed. The perks of being thought of as a mutant and not his actual species makes his parents think it was natural to be awake 24/7 so he was rarely bothered about it.

Let's just say Error took control of the soul and the guy spill everything. Error knew that he would have to be carful with whatever people are trying to exterminate him not for himself but for the possible casualties of his loved ones. Knowing all the players and making sure they couldn't charge them with murder. Getting all that he could from the guy, he opened a portal and disposed of him inside an active volcano.

(Error has become an extremely paranoid bodyguard for his parents. He always kept an eye on them through his portals when they leave)

One day though they family is approached by the .....(there are so many groups in Marvel it's hard to pin point. Maybe a magical coven sensed his magic. Maybe Professor could detect Error's mutation. Error had the mutant gene in the same breath that he has bones that can bleed. Maybe shield or a revamped avenger. The point is Error's joins only because it would make his parents proud and happy that he'll be around others like him.)

(Error's mind is his soul as a skeleton is made out of magic. So psychic mutant don't affect him. Magical methods are another story though. Without Fate Error's magic can grow in different ways. Only his strings can be considered non lethal in a innocent hero friendly scenario. Error holds back a lot as his magic can treat most defenses as non existent. Destruction magic is just like that. There's so much in marvel that it's difficult to scale where Error would be strength wise since I don't know any obscure characters, but Error literally destroys multiple universes while fighting off his powerful counterpart and other sans so Error is definitely up there. Then there's the fact that Error can jump universes and rescue any companions that end up in an alternate timeline extremely easily. The codes of each universe aren't straight forward because there is no center plot, but hundreds of plots all over that universe so he's nowhere near knowing many things about the characters or anything at all. Error can overwrite the codes of a universe so he can hard sell Thanos and his infinity stones. Error can use his glitches to well glitch through odd abilities and affects, but it takes conscious thoughts to do so, so people can still catch him off guard.)

Marvel by marvel studios founder is Martin Goodman

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