A Child's Child

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Error was feeling speechless and just done with today. A tiny baby skeleton sat in a puddle of ink and strings. The problem was Error had watched as that pile of ink and strings turn into the small baby skeleton. A skeleton that looked like ink was floating on its head and had distinctive black bones. And finally an ink shaped splat of pink on their cheek. How does someone reacted to creating a baby on accident with the enemy?

No, wait the more important question was what does Error do with a baby now? The only reason Error came back to the place he had been chased through was because of the odd pull in his soul. The Justice Reign had been chasing the meme squad through here and were cornered to fight in this spot until they escaped. Error wasn't really worried that the JR would stick around as the meme squad never returns to the scene of the crime once they flee.

Getting back to the small skeleton who was now looking up at him with mixed pink and yellow stared eye lights Error twitched at the urge inside his soul. Children were so rare for skeletons to have that skeleton monsters evolve to instinctively latch on to their young. It was also an unfortunate fact that babies relied on the magic of their parents or most likely in this case parent to live and feed on for the first years.

Dammit that dare to read from a newly made mother magazine in public was coming in use now. Error was to young for this by either human or monster standards he was only seventeen. And for skeleton monsters especially he was barely considered passed his own magic feeding years not to mention literally missing most of those memories. But every part of his being rejected leaving his child and he sure as hell wouldn't trust them with Ink.

It isn't like he wasn't already dealing with two children cough*Nightmare*cough*Cross*. What was another one to watch over?

Error bent down and gently scooped up the skelly into his arms. It surprised him that his glitches didn't act up, but it was probably the parent-child bond that had already formed which prevented it.

He returned to the base with his...............son and gave a surprise to the other two who were shocked.

(Surprise it's dreamswap and Paperjam was born. I actually made Error be the youngest skeleton and yet the most responsible one of the group. The other characters are quite a bit older and more experienced in life though the two meme squad are extremely childish most of the time. Dream and Nightmare have been playing cat and mouse for centuries and both sides gained Ink and Cross around fifty years ago, but they've been around for longer while Blue and Error were recruited three years ago. Error is literally one of the youngest parent skeleton in Skeleton history as in this background skeletons are rare and have a difficult time reproducing. In a way Error is still considered a child by skeleton standards as skeletons are the longest lived monster species not really having a limit to their life span many aren't considered adults til they make it past their first century. If the Justice Reign ever actually figure out his age he would actually receive a juvenile sentence. No one except Error actually knew his age so Nightmare and Cross don't realize their being reigned in and saved by a child (Lol).(I was thinking a bone marrow age test could show Error's age if anyone took the time to examine him.)

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