Again and Again....I Gave Up Long Ago (Fgod)

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It still hurts and a living being can only drown themselves in apathy for so long. He had already been broken so why did it still hurt. He was a puppet one that switches owners every ten thousand of years or so.

He yearned for the end to come. His soul was immortal in a way it shouldn't be. Even a deity couldn't end his existence. The first being a Fate had made him the destroyer of worlds and instead of not dying or respawning in the anti void he was reborn in a new body taking on the experiences and magic of the sans he was born as. Then when Ink created to much his body was forcefully converted back into an Error state.

Eventually though he learned all things come to an end even his multiverse had finally cracked from old age and couldn't be reset. He thought his death would come from the void, but he found himself still alive after falling and grabbed to be a puppet of another deity. Born into another Sans sometimes even the core universe Sans and always an original au.

He was forced to be the hero, the villain, the prophet, the anti hero, and even a Fresh. He had figured out at some point why he kept being put in each multiverse. His soul could adapt and adjust to any magic even determination. An easily adjusted puppet to be whatever the deity needed at the time.

His soul mimicked the shape and magic of whatever role he was made to play. And he'll just be reborn if he died or have his soul thrown to the next deity for use. Sometimes he truly broke to madness others he would only move when the deity pulled his strings. Even as he grew in power the seals on his being from each deity and the choke hold on his soul wouldn't break.

All he could do was wait and endure until something happens. He was now an Error again and endured losing his home au to the void like many Errors. At this point he couldn't even bring himself to care for the Papyrus he raised and just faked it by using the au story codes to create a mask.

This was one of those stranger multerverses. There was no balances that need to be maintained and the Fate here wanted him to play villain so her heroic son will come save the day. A twisted love that she has isn't it. He couldn't really hurt Ink and was somewhat unable to harm his friends which were the usual Dream and Blue threesome that made the good guy team called the Star Sans.

He was a bad guy, but also segregated from the other bad guys as too dangerous and insane. It was a more peaceful multiverse because of the fact that no one on any side was willing to give a finishing blow.

He would have called it a kiddy gloves multiverse, but there was still a lot of dusting even if the universes he attempts to destroy were always saved in the end. There were also all sorts of wacky and illogical attempts to capture or defeat him. Some of the results did flush away his apathy at times. 'Kill em with kindness' and 'piñata bonzi' were just two of those insane plans.

It was during one of these wacky plots to stop his destruction that he found himself collapsing on the ground in shock and falling in a puddle of neon green ink . The chains that bound his soul were gone. It felt like he could actually breath now and he had switched between shock and tears of relief constantly.

He knew the good guys were trying to comfort him in probably regaining his old body or some other reason of logic, but he just couldn't care right now.

He eventually came back to find himself on the couch of the Star Sans base curled into himself. His bones he could tell are now white and his clothes where the last thing he had worn before becoming this multiverse's Error.

He remembered his past features having white and blue star eye lights. That he had stars patterned under each eye. His very first body before becoming an Error which was the most special to him. His soul had become the most free its ever been and if anyone saw it would be shocked at swirling mass of every color imaginable gathered from all his lives.

He could easily slot in any one color or mix it to give the different abilities he gained from each role he had played. Truly he had never seen the purest state of his soul without the seals and chains twisting it to others wills. He might be free now, but wouldn't he get picked up by another deity once this multiverse ends. This was one of those multiverses where Fate only has one chance to create a destroyer so the minute he was released Fate couldn't take him back.

Maybe he could fight back now. That was what freedom was all about right? Without the seals he could actually stop the madness. This was the first time he had ever been at full strength and he would rampage against the deities to keep it.

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