Filed (Error)

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Error could never tell if his appointed name was fitting. For one he was part of the core code of the multiverse and for two he was the backup plan if things go wrong. But an Error was also a warning that something was going wrong with the system.

He was far more busy than people would think, but he did most of his work close to the central point of the multiverse otherwise known as the anti void. A place where anything not imperative to the core code of the multiverse dies horribly. Unfortunately the other balance keepers still counted as part of a core function to the multiverse so he wasn't left undisturbed.

Errors work includes everything from deleting viruses, storing data, stabilizing codes, deleting glitches and creating firewalls. He hasn't even gotten to the fact that the nimrod of a creator was creating so many universes he had to personally delete them so the multiverse doesn't lag or crash.

Then there is one more thing Error is responsible for. You see Error wasn't actually a monster or even had a true soul. Every time an original universe is created and given a story line a backup file of it is saved and compressed inside Error.

All these files are compressed so tightly in the shape of a heart it actually looks like a soul. Every time Ink creates a new original Error soul shaped file gets painfully compressed even more.

If the multiverse suddenly dies Error can access all these files and restore them to their starting point. Error was more like a sentient ai with magic giving him life.(Like Jarvis who became Vision from the avengers)

(Hmm........this Error shall be called File)

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