Weight of Lies (DSError)

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Silent tears filled Error's sockets as he ripped apart the last piece of this aus code. He continued to be carful though and suppressed the emotions that wanted to escape. Attracting Dream or Nightmare with his negativity will reveal what he has been keeping hidden for ages. The multiverse ran on 2 balances positivity and negativity, and creation and destruction.

Error has kept his job hidden knowing how horribly he would be hunted down by Justice Reigns if they knew he was destroying aus. He couldn't stop the doubts in his head whenever he tries to tell his two friends.

Sure they can accept a painful past filled with mistakes and wrong choices. But could they forgive a mass murder who says he needs to keep murdering innocents for the sake of the multiverse.

The other two members of the Meme Squad were innocent in a way far more so than Justice Reigns, who has killed those with to much negativity, have been trying to portray. They prank their enemies not kill them. And besides his friends will have an alibi if they didn't know what Error did as the destroyer.

Even Blue who had trapped Error in the antivoid with him and left him their didn't realize the wait Error was forced to take when he became a true Error. The voices that whisper of other multiverses during that time of an Error's job and the conversion of becoming a part of the antivoid connected to the multiverse. Error was changed when he left far more than Blue.

He knew what aus needed to go which ones needed to be destroyed because of old age or a virus that Error always tries his hardest to fix so the au could live. Sometimes the aus are far to gone for that.

Then the rare occurrence where two aus grew to close together and one needed to die so that at least one could live otherwise they would start glitching into each other.

When he had learned of his counterpart Ink who decided what universes would form in the multiverse, he was nervous and fearful. The echoing whispers of the wars that break out between the unkillable creators and destroyers were terrifying. Luckily the creator seemed to be unaware along with everyone else that there is a being destroying aus.

Error had to be carful and fast in his attacks to not catch the attention of the emotion guardians. A large pit of death and despair if it was felt at all needed from them to think it was caused by a natural disaster instead.

The multiverse was large enough that these short of things can happen and the Justice Reign gives exceptions for these occasions. And Error quickly got to the core of the universe which was usually in the densest magical population and deleted it.

The down side of being friends with an emotions guardian meant he always had to keep his pain and despair in check because his friend and enemy were tuned in to the meme squad's emotional signatures.

The only place that was safe from being sensed was the antivoid where Error would go to have a moment to let everything out. This would be his job until the multiverse ends and his was becoming more numb and broken from it.

Maybe he'll one day be no better than the mad Error's that the voices speak about. Maybe the others will finally settle their differences and he'll still be stuck to continue suffering alone. In any case Error would keep working and enjoying time with his friends for as long as possible.

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