3 Together

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Geno didn't quite understand why death would love him. He was a failure someone who went to far to break the system and ended up nothing but a glitch to his universe. He should be dead or left lost and forgotten in the save screen. Death though kept coming back even after all his attempts to reap Geno failed.

At first Geno was filled with rage and loathing being trapped in the save screen only to watch the human redo their same patterns over and over again with a copy of him filling in his role with no one the wiser. So when Death in the form of him popped in saying it's his time Geno fought viscously and let's just say death was literally beaten back by an unkillable glitching fury.

Death kept returning  and Geno cursed out the embodiment of death. When the guy started to talk to him and even wanted to quit trying to reap him as Geno has proven it would only fail. Geno was still wary, but agreed to the truce. The words that came out of his mouth at times were so embarrassing Geno chased Death away in a rage.

Geno came to enjoy his company although pretended not to. Geno didn't think much about the fact that Death talked about life sometimes until Death said something that threw Geno completely off.

"Life created this talisman for you it's supposed to let you leave. She's been wanting to meet you for a while now." Death grinned.

"Why is that Geno asked curiously.

Reaper grinned sheepishly."She might of heard a lot about you from me."

Geno narrowed his eye sockets."Really?"

"Yep, don't worry Life is a sweet heart and a great mate." Reaper grinned.

Geno blinked though. "Mate?"

"Oh I never told you Life is my mate."

Geno gained a eye twitch of annoyance."If you have a mate then why the hell do you keep flirting with me."

Reaper paled in fear. Geno continued,"I'm not doing some sick bloody mistress stick Reaper!"

Reaper started to shout in terror." No, no it's nothing like that. Life was extremely agreeable when she heard about you. We're both open to the idea of having more than one mate if anyone catches are attention."

"Why the fuck haven't you said any of this before?."

Reaper continued,"It's because you are kind of shy about this stuff Geno and I didn't want to scare you away."

Geno turned to glare out into the darkness. Reaper wasn't completely wrong there. But now Geno would have to see Life, he could already see this going horribly. Just because his horrible flirting was embarrassing didn't mean Geno was afraid of relationships.

He would never understand how Reaper can care for someone like him. Especially after meeting he himself met the wonderful mate known as Life. She was regal and kind to him. Geno found himself enjoying her company over some tea. Reaper was busy with his job being far more hands on than Life. The two spent a lot of time together. Life helped calm Geno's anger.

(I didn't even notice I had a few unpublished drafts.)

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