Idea #15 Soulmate B (Error/Ink)

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Basically a person can here an echo or hum of their soulmate's soul. The tempo of the hum changes with what emotions or level of danger their in. When soulmates meet they just know it by the loud echoes radiating of each other and they say their magic reaches for the other. The souls sing for each other and their harmony increases the more they love each other.

It isn't love at first sight, but like meeting someone you've known through your entire life and are just now getting to know. You only start hearing the hum of your soulmate's soul when they are born, so long lived species usual have to wait a while to first hear their soulmate. There's no grand point of completing a soulmate bond like in most stories. It is up to you how strong it becomes from interacting with each other.

A bond can infinitely grow as one loves and changes beside their soulmate. Usually a soulmate ends being your mate because the pull of their songs means they'll always be drawn towards each other. Most people can't bring out the will to fight such a pull as for monsters the soul makes up who they are at the basic. The pair might end up hating each other, but be unable to stay away from each other for long.

The death of one soulmate can cause the death of the other by a broken heart (soul) still feeling the echoes of the partners pain before death and continued on into a silent nothingness. That soul will continue to reach out for its partner's soul/magic desperately. The loss can cause an instant death from finding nothing or it cause the soul to be strained to its limit trying to reach for something that doesn't exist anymore. Weaker beings who aren't as soul sensitive or those who avoided cultivating the soul bond with each other can survive.

Those that are made of soul and magic like skeleton monsters have no chance of surviving do to their sensitivity to the bond and being purely magic.

(I thought of this because it sounded interesting. I also am putting how Error/Ink would work here)

Ink hadn't known of the concept of soulmates his soul. At least when he had it, there was only silence from the world he was trapped in and own soul never heard an echoing call or anything. If it had he would have definitely hesitate to rip it apart if only because the lifelessness of everything else.

A part of him that came from the vials despaired at the lost chance, but he wouldn't have seen so many other things otherwise. But sometimes it came back as he watched other soulmates interact as if they were each other's entire world. Even those that hated each other kept coming back to yell at each other or beat there other halves. Ink took it upon himself to make a game of it. See which persons eyes drifted to who and try to guess who was their soulmate.

People gained a transfixed look whenever they see their soulmate for the first time and after that they can't seem to stop looking and interacting with them more and more. Most just seemed to know the others mood immediately and were willing to do anything for each other. Seeing and experiencing it were different and the facts about soulmates can't do it justice especially for a soulless being.

It was something Ink found himself wanting even if it was just as fake as his emotions.

Time continued to move forward at its lopsided multiversal pace. (I don't trust time to be equal throughout the multiverse)

Then one day things changed like they always did, but this time it was Ink specifically who felt the shift. The emptiness in his chest wasn't silent anymore. His magic buzzed erratically. He might of upchucked ink everywhere. The soft hum continued on though and when Ink had chucked up all his emotions his focus was riveted on it.

He was completely still and the emptiness in chest rolled always trying to consume the emotions he doesn't have anymore. The hum settled with the emptiness and his sparking magic. His soulmate? It hummed mildly not really shifting much. Ink had an impression it was sluggish. Ink wasn't sure how long he just stayed like this, but he eventually regained his colors. He had a hard time keeping his ink down for awhile though.(Ink is so excited he keeps upchucking it)
Ink didn't know what to do with his other halves shifting hum. A lot of those hums were sad and painful, but sometimes they turned better. Ink was more carful with his paints because those hums led to his own artificial ones mostly red and blue to dangerous places.

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