They Would Be and Have Been (God Error/God Ink)

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Error and Ink have been lovers for thousands of years way before the aus became aware of each other. It was a lonesome existence for the two immortal beings that have been around since the beginning of the multiverse. Even now only the other four balances of positivity, negativity, life, and death could claim similar titles after becoming multiversal gods.

Mortals were difficult for the two beings that embody the concept of creation and destruction to understand. Still the moment they met the knowledge they would be the first and last beings to exist was apparent. Neither of these beings particularly cared for the multiverse outside of the instinct that causes them to create and destroy.

One was a soulless being the other was an error in the multiverse. Though even immortals especially sentient ones like them get lonely no matter the state of their being.

Unlike what most would think their first meeting ended up being the opposite of what you'd expect. For one Ink was destroying the au he just created called whitetale because there had never actually been anything stopping him from destroying his creations unless it was fated for a greater role in the multiverse.

The place was filled with white monsters and everything else within in it was a blinding white which had triggered his red vial chugging.

Nothing should and shall be ever just pure white under his fingers. Having ripped most of the au apart Error's sixth sense for his domain of destruction attracted him to the au. And the moment they met each other creation and destruction knew their lives would change.

Friendships and even relationships with soulless creatures have never shown to have worked out, but Ink was different. Not just for creating his own painted emotions, but because he was just as much of a force of a nature as Error. His paints give him a soul and also made the most powerful emotions Ink has to be which ever vial he uses.

He instinctively knew what paint to take at any given moment whenever he needed a new dose. Ink could still feel a full range of emotions just buried under the strongest paint he drank at the moment.

So he wasn't as fake as people thought of his soulless state. Of course that was a huge lie. You see when the multiversal out pour of characters happened he pretended to be an idiot that forgets everything.

It was extremely amusing watching people's reactions when he is late or misinterpreted what they wanted him to do. Error who also suffered from immortal boredom joined in on the chaos with his mate.

Nobody was really the wiser or many just thought Error took advantage of Ink's forgetfulness to have him cause chaos. Their fights were more play fights than anything even if it causes multiple aus to be destroyed in the conflict they both enjoyed it.

Error wasn't inclined towards public affection, but Ink definitely was extremely open to it. They enjoyed their alone time together in the middle of nowhere or just watching people through one way portals.

Ink was an affectionate mate that truly loved Error. Even when he takes his anger paints he couldn't drown in rage as long as his Error was around. Without the paints he could feel a small muted feeling of love towards him through the sheer amount of magic intent in his body alone.

Error loved his Ink his own emotions were a bit erratic and fluctuated like his very being. Destruction wasn't kind, but it got the job done for nothing improves without it. His lover understood because creation leads to destruction and destruction leads to creation.

Creation was cruel, apathetic, and everything in between. Destruction was merciful and merciless, apathetic, and takes whatever it can with it. The two sides shift and cycle around each other in a dance that anyone that had survived when the two deities battle would find otherworldly.

Now with beings like Core Frisk, Dream and Nightmare migrating people around. Portals and teleportation machines into hub like worlds slowly being formed their way of going about things would need to change.

Ink had no interest in spending an eternity faking anything and with Error being challenged by groups who wish nothing, but his demise, they were both getting tired of their game.

Dream and Nightmare would rather play courts and kings than really keep their balances. That was the problem with beings not born into their godhoods, but gain it through a twist of fate. On some level Ink and Error have been subconsciously keeping all the balances because of their intimate connection with the multiverse. Through destroying or creating worlds containing more of these balances to even things out.

They've already been doing this far before the other gods were created. Error taking souls and Ink creating more life. Error destroying negative and positive aus, and Ink creating neutral aus.

Back to the matter at hand Ink decided to throw off all pretenses, but it would be a while before anyone realized since Error hated being around people and their usual places are their own domains which were the anti void and doodle sphere.

Luckily Error's stringing habits and Ink's creations made the anti void not look like something that Ink wanted to burn to the ground.

The look on people's faces when Error was facing down an army of aus and Ink fighting by his side was amusing. With how horrifyingly in sync the two were and even capable of mixing their magic as their domains were deeply intertwined. Most of the army was dusted and only those that they felt were fated to be left the two left and Ink proclaimed Error as his mate.

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