Mix Mash (Radier)

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(Weirdly convoluted idea.)

So it's starts with the first multiverse. The good sans and bad sans are always fighting. Those fights result in a lot of magic mixing and many ship children being born.

Most of the ship children for the good guys end up in the omega timeline. The few times they adopt the kids usually lead to resentment as the good guys were constantly busy ensuring the multiverse's safety. A few yearning to impress their parents and join the fighting. There was also resentment from the good guy kids living in the antivoid yearning for the love of parents as well because their basically being raised in an orphanage with only a few brief appearances of their parents. Really it's a lot of family drama, teenage drama, and nobodies happy about it.

Then there are the bad guys who immediately take the child or sometimes kill them in Error's case. The bad guys turn the kids into weapons and if the child is to weak or unwilling usually killed them. They even take some of the purely good guys kids for it or torture them. Even the other children will kill and sabotage each other because it was survival of the fittest.

(So the main character I wanted to place would be Radier(it could be any although I was sticking to an Error/Nightmare child for plot.))

Radier was actually born unlike their other siblings created through left over magic. So Radier developed natural with Error's soul. Error got into a lot of battles so it was a miracle he survived at all, but having the magic of the parent support him meant his soul was strong and his magic powerful. He was raised in the cutthroat environment of the bad sans though and only survived not being killed by Error because of minor maternal instincts from being within Error for so long.

The instincts were gone quickly, but were enough to let him grow in the castle where Nightmare was curious about how strong a naturally born skeleton was compared to the rest. Unlike his other siblings he was born to young to defend himself so that curiosity was the extra protection he needed to get strong enough to be safe from them. His softer nature though was quickly crushed and his morals was born from the bad sans.

Eventually he figured out what right and wrong was after growing up to his teen years and fighting battles against the good sans. It was a bit to late, but he did become introspective. Watching and learning he mentally matured with what he learned. One of the things being that he didn't want to continue life like this. Fighting, killing, backstabbing and insane drama on all sides even if he joined the good guys or went to the antivoid. He wanted away from it all.

So he faked his own death and slipped away into a forest on a surface au. Changed his clothes and lived like a forest monk.....is that a thing? Well in any case he loved it. Maybe a bit lonely, but it wasn't like their was any true friends within the bad sans to spend time with before anyways. Much like Error he didn't really need food and feeding on a bit of negativity in the au was more than enough.

Things changed though as magic surrounded him and dragged him somewhere else. Radier was knocked unconscious as an overwhelming feeling dug its way into his being. He woke up to see the good and bad sans with a feeling of swirling negativity that spread so far he felt like he was drowning. He felt black tears falling and everything was to much.

The positivity aura of his uncle calmed him enough to realize the situation he was in. The other sans explained that they summoned him from another multiverse. That he was summoned because of a few criterias. One being capable of handling the negative side of the balance of this multiverse. It was shocking to learn that the multiverse here ran on balances like that. Other requirements are not being a balance keeper, important character, or needed in his previous multiverse. That kinda stung a bit.

The final requirement being the person wasn't malicious like the previous balance keeper. It seemed his father Nightmare in this multiverse was even more insane and had destabilized the multiverse to a point it bordered on collapsing so they had to kill him. But the multiverse wouldn't survive much longer afterwards without a new god of negativity so this was their solution.

It took him a while to get used to the feeling of sensing everything negative across the multiverse and figuring out how the balance felt to his senses. But with Dream he did it. He had quickly learned those in this multiverse were nice and their weren't any kids or crazy schemes. Things with his mother Error were weird. This multiverse had cranked up monsters instincts to 100 with their young and being accepted into this multiverse meant his being was changed to fit.

He technically counted as this Nightmare and Error's kid now. Error can feel it. His instincts as a parent are through the roof especially sense the kid was treated so cruelly as they all figured out he didn't exactly have a happy life. Paranoid and weary of everything. The instincts Radier had for his mother here are strong enough to get through to him. Kids were just as susceptible to those instincts as the parents.

It was pretty shocking to the others when they learned Radier was the child of Error and Nightmare as they originally thought he was a unique variant or alternative universe Sans.

(I've had the thought of a spell to summon a monster to replace a balance keeper in another multiverse and it snowballed from there)

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