Ink Vs Creators

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Ink wondered if he should just play the villain for a while, to ruin the multiverse like it was ruining him. Ink didn't think it possible, but the creators have earned his hatred. As much as something like him can hate.

Ink was just tired. What was the point of anything? He helps the creators, but what do these creators do? They reset the multiverse whittle down all that hard work back to zero and have Ink create the same beings over and over and over again. Ink even if he was soulless had friends had people he could turn to, but each and everyone of them was taken away. In their places were creations just like them or completely depending on those fical creators.

Well Ink final gave up. Fuck the creators. Fuck the multiverse. He was going to destroy it all. Help these uncaring creators no more. He was destroying everything they make until they finally delete him. Or maybe not I mean he was immune to resets. Even if he doesn't gain anymore creative paints and becomes an empty husk he wasn't going to stop.

His fear of being forgotten has already come to pass many times with the multiversal resets. What else did he have to keep? Those fake emotions have become more painful to deal with than their worth because of the creators constant need to wipe the slate clean and start from scratch. So......let's burn the multiverse to the ground.

The first time that Ink did it the creators were enraged, but Ink was untouchable to them. But something did happen as the creators were building a new collection of universes. Ink gained a lot of red and blue ink from the creators who were projecting their emotions on these creations. Ink was introduced to the black vial known as hatred and so began the cycle of Ink destroying the universes and gaining only darker ink. He revealed in the destruction and the amount of creators steadily decreased and Ink destroyed all their creations.

Ink knew the creators didn't truly care for their creations or were capable of making connections with them. Why else would Ink betray the creators because they didn't care for Ink. The pain they caused when he lost his friends and even family at times. So Ink's hatred ran deep with these vials and at times he would maliciously wait for the multiverse to grow. Maybe give the creators false hope that Ink wasn't going to destroy them one day.

And then swoop in to destroy it all laughing at their lose.

(Ink had cracked from all the multiversal resets and can't see the people as anything but disposable tools for the creators. So he took matters into his own hands and slowly drove away the creators. Whether there's anyone left at the end of this is up in airs.)

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