Hidden Lover (Error)

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Blinking slowly Error huffed and bent down to scoop up the black and red baby skeleton in his antivoid. He wished his mate would give him a distinctive message whenever they dropped off their child. Truthfully is wasn't a good or healthy system as they left their baby with each other erratically. It doesn't help that godlings take ten times as long to mature meaning the baby will be considered physically one years old in ten years.

Neither parents had a choice as they were both hated and denied balance keepers. They had to fight every step of the way to keep their balances intact. With no one believing Error the god of destruction and his secret mate being a part of the balance.

Both gods kept their silent knowing no one will truly believe them and those like Blue will be designated as brainwashed or evil for trusting them. Of course no one else knew who Error's mate is and he would like to keep it that way.

Unfortunately they hadn't been carful enough during some quality time together and so Mayhem was conceived. Error was surprised the baby survived all the beatings Error had taken while pregnant. The baby skeleton came out with black and red like his own while the yellow was replaced with red.

The baby had red eye lights and red tear marks. Both Error and his mate had to pour over baby books to figure out what the fuck they were doing. If only the kid looked less like Error they could have left him in a place where they could live a less dangerous childhood.

They tried their best to keep their little one hidden, but their full schedules made it difficult. Neither trusted anyone with this secret and no one was supposed to know of their relation in the first place. Safer for everyone involved as even though they both allies they could sell them out for extra protection or something like that.

Chara(Chaos(Reapertale Chara/Error)

(Such a strange idea. I was thinking of pairing god of destruction Error with a Chara and found the the god of Chaos Chara to be a great fit because the Chara needs to be on equal footing. The situation is bit complicated and they have to keep their relationship even more of a secret because of the multiversal hatred for Charas and that Chara having a hate relationship with Reaper who is with Error's brother. Not to mention the other bad Sans having a kill on sight reaction for Charas mainly Dust and Killer.)

(No one could be trusted without prejudice with either facts. The idea of giving birth to a half skin half bones monster human hybrid sounds more painful. So I went with the concept that magic was taken from the partner and the one giving birth will be the species the child comes out as. Luckily Error's soul and body is capable of handling determination unlike others so the monster child could safely inherit Chara's red magic so Mayhem was born.)

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