Error's Impossible Soulmate (God Error)

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Error wanted to scream to shout at everything. Damn Ink who turned this multiverse into a soulmate based one. Funk whatever insane twist of fate that he had fallen into.

His allies the dark Sans have already paired up with their other halves and so has everyone else unless theirs hadn't been born yet.

He wouldn't have minded it if his soulmate was literally anything else. He would have taken a cat over this. But he had always been an impossible being; an error in the system. So the fact he felt himself almost drowning in the all encompassing-ness of the bond.

He was already an embodiment of destruction itself and followed the will of both it and the multiverse itself.

That day of Ink's great idea, it became more difficult to be an individual and not get lost in the processing of multiverse. For through the soulmate bond he could feel the all encompassing existence of the multiverse itself. How was it even possible to be soulmates with the multiverse he had no idea.

There was no warmth or love, but an all encompassing embrace of the multiverse as it drowned him in apathy. He kept his mouth shut about it all and wondered if he hadn't been immortal what would have happened to the multiverse if he dies.

With the pressure of the multiverse on his being it became difficult to hold back when he had limitless data at his beck and call. His job was easy now though even with the aus combining their efforts to eliminate all dark sans.

He was the most content when the balance of creation and destruction were kept. Life, death, positivity, negativity, good and evil have no influence on the multiverses existence just the existence of the aus themselves at times.

Sometimes he just lets himself fade into instinctive destruction to deal with it and other times he just can't stop the sad spiral of being so deeply bounded to something that couldn't care, wouldn't be able to talk and laugh with him, wouldn't share experiences and just love him.

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