Hired Destroyer To Be (Goth)

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Goth was tired of this. His body frozen eternally as a child. He didn't mind having a child body but it was the way people looked at him that made him dislike this. They thought he was also a child in mind and soul as well.

He wasn't really allowed to be independent as an eternal ten year old kid. It was made all the worse by the touch of death he inherited from his dad Reaper. His birth was unnatural unlike his other siblings.

He was born before Geno escaped the save screen and recovered his entire soul. Goths very existence was pure magic.

All he friends drifting away as they gained their own lives from reaching adulthood. Palette his best friend and someone he was romantically inclined towards had been by his side less and less often.

He felt so alone like someone like him shouldn't even exist in the first place. Was he just a burden to others? He watched his siblings grow up into actual adults and felt bitterness in crouch on him.

His mother always fretted over him and he just felt more tired with each passing day.

One day he was confronted by a deity of some kind named Fate. Fate asked him if he wanted to make a deal. By becoming the destroyer of a different multiverse where one was needed. Goth didn't hesitate every day here was a chore anyway. He wasn't needed or wanted.

So Goth found himself in a place of pure white known as the anti void. He was taught how to wield the codes of the multiverse already inheriting the talent from his glitching mother.

He created magical code strings to help with the process. Though his scythe death magic could reap any soul it was limited to one being at a time. His white strings grabbed all the souls and core codes of the world that he needed to delete.

But that wasn't often as he main job was to destroy viruses and corrupted code while repairing it. Sometimes the entire world was to far gone for him to fix so it had to end it.

He hid in his white cloak his tiny childlike body covered completely with his red scarf masking his face.

Outside of his job he found himself wandering the worlds and enjoying his freedom. Sometimes he missed his Mom and Dad. He had never been in a close relationship with his siblings being the odd one out.

He liked his alone time and seeing so many beautiful things. He giggled as he watched bad luck tale through a glitched screen. The disasters the monsters experienced there were insane and dumb.

Living pies were trying to splat themselves into the faces of any monsters they can find. Mice were ridding birds that burst into confetti.

Goth laughed wildly as the sans there being chased by a ghostly goose waving a paddle at him. Blinking slowly he felt he was needed for his job so opened up the codes. It's just another virus that needed his personal attention. Humming he went to work.

Seeing the Dream of this world brought mixed feelings. For one he was Pallete's mother in his own multiverse. For two he neglected Pallet and three this wasn't that Dream so he should try to push away those intruding thoughts.

He never thanked inheriting his dad's entire power set more than now as he went into well ghost mode. It was how all reapers reaped without anyone knowing death is coming for them. Only other ghosts and gods could see or sense him.

Dream was only a guardian so he didn't see Goth as he finished fixing the code and left. This multiverse was strange because it didn't have an Ink yet created universes all by itself. Yet it's unable to recover from viruses and corruption without an outside hand like Goth's.

Although Goth missed his family he found himself content here and unknown weight lifted from his shoulder. He had been tucked away into a box his entire life. One that chipped away at his sense of worth.

He wasn't exactly sure of what to do when an Ink came tumbling into this multiverse. One not from his past verse or this one though. He had a feeling things would get chaotic soon.

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