Glitches Here Part 1

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Template chittered nervously and excitedly. Today he was meeting alternate versions of himself in a special place. Of course when Pale heard he gave a talk in Pale's own caring way to Template about the fact not every version of you is going to be nice. Template understood that he might just be meeting horrible people that look like him, but he still wanted to know everything about how they were different. What their multiverses were like and other things.

Pale huffed at his mate and him off with a nuzzle. Template giggled always enjoying the affection. So Template marched on between space and reality to a door. A door he opened to the sight of a version with blue tear like markings glitching out with red error signs and a hobo outfit. He wore an insane grin and was leaning back balancing against the back legs of the wooden chair and legs thrown on the table.

"Didn't know a version of me could look like such a pathetic shrimp."

Template pouted.

"Don't say that I'm adorable and awesome. My names Template what's yours?"
Template grinned and giving a giving a cool pose.

The other version looked disgusted and extremely twitchy now.

"I'm Error destroyer of aus and your dead to me if you keep talking glitch."

Template who had nerves of steel and ignored dangers until he had no other choice was about to respond when another door slammed open.

This one also looked like Error except without the crazy grin and instead a scowl. Template moved over to sit down away from the crazy grinner. But still chirped out happily.

"Hello, my names Template it's nice to meet you!!."

This Error groaned,"I only came here because Ink kept bugging me. Meeting different versions of myself is already looking to be a horrible idea, but I'm Error."

The cheery skeleton and psychotic looking skeleton were already a bad sign to him.

"Heh, Fuck all y'all I'm here to look at all the dirty glitches of me I can see. One of you acts like the stars sans two point o and the others a winny bitch." Said the crazy one.

They were interrupted again by another door opening. This one had thick swirling blue glitches, what Template thought looked like cool power armor, and 10101s running down opposite sides of his skull. There was also a small blue splatter on one cheek.

"Am I late."He muttered calmly looking at everyone.

"Nope! We're still waiting for more! Btw your armor looks so awesome."

Template jumped from his seat and had made his way over to the other eyes sparkling. The grumpy Error lugged his way into a seat. Template continues to talk a lot. The different one just calmly takes it if a bit flustered.

Then the next door opens and in walks another armored version.

"Oh man I wonder if I'll see a look alike of me soon." The excitement rolling off Template was a bit much. And he was still rambling. The grumpy Error groaned pained at the fact a version of him was more annoying than Ink. And the creepy insane mutters out of the other Error was making it all the worse.

This one that entered was a bit shy and fidgeted nervously. Before making his way to sit down. Definitely as far away from the insane one and the rest took their own seats. Another Error looking one opened the door, but this one looked like they been to hell and back.

Covered in scars and clothes stitched up all over with different colored patches. He looked uncomfortable and weary at the others. At the same time the final door opened to another armored version. He was a bit more smiley and more relaxed than the other two.

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