Rebooting and Erasing (=Error)

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Reboot cried, blue magic tears falling as he watched the breaking multiverse. He felt familiar arms wrap around his waste and pull him close.

He turned in those arms to stare up into Eraser's own melancholic eye lights. If everything was going to disappear then Reboot would rather see his Raz.

"Guess it's the end of the line Boots." Eraser gently ran a thumb over Reboot's cheek bone a sad but loving look in his eye lights.

The next moment he let go backing away and Eraser's body started to break down not even leaving dust behind.

Reboot screamed"; No no please don't leave me Raz. Not like this." Desperately Reboot reached out sobbing.

Eraser's soul looked dimmer with every second as his body faded away.

Reboot in desperation did something crazy not wanting to be alone and not willing to lose the one he loved more than even the multiverse itself. He was loosing everything as Reboot's immortal soul can never truly die.

He reached out grabbing his lover's soul wrapping it protectively in his magic.

Then he shoves Eraser's fading soul into his chest. Having two souls inside of him they pushed into each other and Reboot screamed in pain, but unwilling to give up his lover's soul to the void.

He felt Eraser's presence wrap comfortingly around him even as they endured the pain. Their souls fusing together and the power of creation and destruction flooding his body. They did an equivalent of passing out while still being aware of the slow painful fusion.

Eventually it ended and they shakily opened their eye lights. Reboot felt pure relief and happiness as he felt Eraser exasperation at the stunt he just pulled.

(Reboot and Eraser fused becoming Error. They are both still there and can control the body however they wished. Sometimes they are like one being and at others they are two ghosts that do nothing more than cuddle each other. They ended up seeking refuge in another multiverse.)

(Reboot created a multiverse, but since he was still a godling at the time there were a few problems that had lead to his multiverse eventually collapsing in on itself. Eraser was a god that was formed by the multiverse itself so he was dying when the multiverse started dying.)

(Maybe the fusion is permanent or maybe it can be cured?)

(An fgod version would be Fate wrapping the still weakened fusion's soul in its strength to use as its tool.)

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