Idea #36 Multiverse 4545

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Fatal Error is the destroyer of universes. Fresh Ink is the creator of aus. The multiverse is as insane as it sounds. Fatal Error kidnaps an After Sans who becomes Anti-Error. He's the only being keeping Fatal Error from going completely berserk on the aus. A calming presence that is Fatal Error's obsession.

Anti is weirdly okay with that. Fresh Ink will blow up universes for fun before repairing them. No one is quite sure what goes on inside that beings head outside of creating colorful things and spreading chaos.

Neither Nightmare nor Dream ate the apples. Instead Fresh Ink came through, set the tree on fire, and lead a herd of Temmie through the village. Dream and Nightmare are still hunting down the parasite till this day to seek revenge on him for killing their mother.

Cross and Xtale Chara are cursed by Fresh Ink to switch the controller of their body randomly. Horrortale worships Fresh Ink for giving them infinitely spawning temmies for sustenance.

Death is fearful of leaving Reapertale because of the insanity of Fresh Ink and the constant fights to the death with Fatal Error. Life was locked into a Reapertale asylum from trauma and insanity for the same reason. A Dusttale and Killertale are destroyed by Fatal Error early on because his birth au(aftertale) was in the same cluster.

Classic is high all the time to deal with this shit of insane copies. He's good at faking being just fine because of his 24/7 sleeping habits and puns.

Sci is the one guy you go to for solving all your problems. Whenever Sci can't take it anymore he eventually finds a way to kill himself permanently. He leaves a lot of notes behind and a copy takes his place unknown to the rest of the universe the original Sci Sans is actually copy number 79.

Swap Sans is Fresh Ink's minion of chaos along with Asylum Sans.With Fresh Ink around nothing is hidden so any opposition outside the two guardians quickly disengage in fear of being tortured and pranked to oblivion. Fresh Ink creates many aus, but he isn't allowed to permanently destroy them instead fucking with the plot.

Fatal Error is terrifying because he can cause entire aus to crash passively and no one escapes him when he actively tries to to destroy it. Only those corrupted in the antivoid are safe from his glitches and errors.

Neither destroyer or creator desire to fight after the first few times. Their magic is just so different it's like putting toast in a blender. Why the hell would you do that? Their bodies and magic reject each other so thoroughly it's like pushing together to of the same magnets even when they are trying to push away from each other.

It's painful for all parties involved including the au itself. Fatal Error is usually the one who flees as his madness still distinctively remembers the pain. Unless he is so glitched out he doesn't notice at all then Fresh Ink leaves not wanting to face the trauma again.

Outer  just went with the flow a long time ago. He actually enjoys what Fresh Ink did with the au. Some Sans revel in change after so many resets. The Outertale sky changes every day giving it a unique flair although sometimes the sky looks strange like a dungeon or something.

Underfell has it worse all the monsters and humans have to dance and sing like in a musical when communicating or fighting each other. There are wanted posters for Fresh Ink everywhere and Fell has hidden himself in his house to escape the eternal singing and dancing.

Candytale has been taken over by sentient gingerbread men. Birdtale residents can turn into angry birds. (Yes) Lusttale residents have tentacles. Mafiatale is where all guns shoot out confetti and mafia suits are replaced by hippy clothes of the rainbow variety. And many more aus have their own situations and Ink Fresh comes through to spice things up.

(What am I doing........)(Lol)
(Multiverse 4545 because random number generator.)
(Wow what a perfect system to stop the creator and destroyer from killing each other. It hurts them to be near each other even more so if they fight.)
(Dream and Nightmare are revengers)
(The multiverse is still standing so something has to be working right.)

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