Idea #33 Project Past

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What if Ink made an au where a person meets their past self projected from their soul? Their past self knows what their future self has felt and done, but it's especially impactful for the bad guys. Their past selves have their past self morals while knowing all about what their future self.

These past selves depending their personality will confront their present self. They could give them advice or even try to kill them. Their past self will continue to exist and they will be trapped inside the aus until their past and present self accept or kill each other.

Again the bad guys have the worst of it as their counterparts are still sane and won't accept them or be killed easily.

(I just thought confronting oneself would be interesting in this scenario. Goopy vs non goop Nightmare. Error vs Geno. The others vs Classic. Extremely traumatizing for Ink and his own past sketch. Dream's and young Dream would not be peaceful for guilt. Blue well.........Blue would get along great with his even if their more naive.)

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