Frisk Start Continue

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Frisk created the multiverse and constant universes through the resets. Frisk formed the other originals like underfell through their dreams and thoughts by a glitch in the reset. Originally she went a bit crazy as she could sense all the universes born from her determination and could narrow in on her selves in the multiverse. She regretted twisting reality so hard that it became like this.

A true reset could steal a Sans memory, but not her own. And she struggled with a want for the cycle to end and trying to keep on living. In some ways it was easier allowing her senses to fade into her counterparts as they experience different joys and pains for the first time. Frisk allowed Chara to control her at times although Chara never found out that Frisk could do this.

Frisk didn't particularly want to reset, but before her first true reset she had finally stopped playing with the resets and gave everyone a happy ending. During that time she had grown old and died but even old age had no affect on a reseting soul. So Frisk would either have to sit in the save screen for eternity and the original universe stuck on pause or reset it all.

Although she didn't particularly want to traumatize Sans more as Chara also could remember true resets. They were both stuck on the matter and though neither told anyone else the Chara community and her Frisk connection knew about it. Frisk did try some insane things even giving Flowey and Sans her soul. Instead it just put her back in the save screen and they'd be forced to reset or load.

It was a matter that created a lot of alternative universes as Seraphim was born along with a few others. The DT extractor made the same results and truthfully she could have broken free of the holds of these plans, but Frisk was being suicidal and giving up. Even when she lost all will to live the determination in her soul was to strong and all encompassing. She could even pull the determination from her copies and alternates as they were parts of her determination given sentience.

They were no less a person but more like a weaker alternate personality that could be conquered by the self aware main personality. As long as her copy has scene or heard of it, she becomes somewhat aware of it so since Core Frisk exists she is aware of everything to an extent. The spawn rate of copies was really slow as not every reset triggers them and she could keep them under wrap. Frisk still can't completely control them.

And don't get her started on Ink. She disliked him more than Error because at least Error makes sure her selves aren't overwhelming her as they go dormant in the antivoid. Ink claimed the title of creator of aus which really annoys her. She would never claim that title, but the arrogant ass seemed to think he has claim over it. Now she quite deeply dislikes the guy for ripping apart the multiverse with the x-gaster debacle.

Only she remembers it along with her copies as it had destroyed the multiverse and she had to do a reset on the multiverse while making sure x-gaster never has his foot in the door of multiversal fuckery again. She even switched her role in that au so that her Frisk was the half soul fused with Cross so things don't go crazy again. She was content to let Cross be the big bad guy as he joined the bad sans but as long as the multiverse isn't self destructing she didn't care.

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