One Step Forward Part 1 (Error/Ink)

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Ink was so persistent all the time and constantly got under his bones. Error wanted nothing more than to destroy that abomination. Sadly that goal will never be met with the peace treaty that Nightmare made with the good sans. They were forced to move into a home shared between the group so that the Stars could keep an eye on them.

That stupid faker even before the treaty was signed had always bothered him . Really it wasn't like anyone else hunted down their mortal enemy just to do random shit together. He never understood that about Ink. What did he want from him?

Unlike most he had seen Ink at his most dangerous. They've been trying to kill each other for centuries. He knew what laid under the surface of this soulless creature. He was a manipulator caring for nothing outside of whatever catches his attention. Even then it is as temporary as whichever set of emotions the creator consumes.

Ink would laugh in the face of his own 'friends' death with the right mixture of emotions. Of course it isn't as simple as that because he has his own thoughts outside of his emotions that lead to his decisions. That idiot has spent far to much time with Error that even with his own inept social skills Error could still put things together.

"Ink get your funky self out of my room".

"But Error I brought your favorite chocolate. And even left a present for Fell I know you'll enjoy. Let's watch it together~."

"Ya remember what my favorite chocolate is yet always forgetting things about your actual friends."

"But Error your my number 1 friendnemy."

Error gave up and rolled his eyes lights. They both knew Ink actually didn't have any memory problems. Again he was a manipulative [radhole]..........................Fresh must be visiting again.

"Fine, just don't touch me."Error hissed out.

Of course the [cool bean] ignored his words and he had an Ink in his lap a few seconds later. Error glitched out a bit, but was so used to this by now it wasn't even funny.
Gritting his teeth he opened a one way portal leaning back against the bean bag to watch the show. Ink cuddled closer and Error signs flickered before settling.

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