Choose And Sacrifice

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Error stared up at all those red souls. He felt the power of each of them collected in his strings. His inner struggle of continuing on with his plans. If he progressed forward he would lose everything he had gained during this time, but he would also be regaining his lover, his king and everything that was lost.

Nightmare, the gang, Blue, and his alternate glitchy brothers. He's come to far to stop now ........all the dust and blood on his hands. And yet it would be worse than a reset. Going back before they ever come into existence and might never be born in the first place. One has to be sacrificed and he was going to have to choose which one. One reality will have to come out on top.

Error trembled tears started to fall. He struggled as he set the red souls alight. The pulsing power rippled and he watched as the pulsing increased. At that moment he bore the weight of countless determined souls as he continued to concentrate their power.

He he wasn't going to stop. He has to finish what he started after all he had already given up so much for this. He yearned for it.

Finally the power peaked and red light tore through the multiverse causing it twist and for a moment their was nothing.

King Multiverse opened his eye lights a frown on his skull. Error 404 jerked from his position beside the king. He quickly turned and bowed to his king eye lights worried.

"My King.......something has happened. I remembered losing you to the enemy."

"Yes, yes I remembered losing my life to that retched mongrel."Multiverse growled out.

Both of their minds were trying discern how they got from the battle field to here.

404 froze remembering his own death and his soul frantically searched his mates own. He calmed when felt it's pulse although their soul far different than it used to be.

King Multiverse opened himself up to the multiverse to figure out what happened. Information leading to scattered events that have been and shall never be were read. He chuckled as he figured out what happened.

"My, my 404 your mate sure has some guts. The little thing had found a way to reverse the multiverse to a time where we exist. And since the entity wasn't native to our multiverse our enemy won't be returning. In fact it seemed my subject has done us a great service and killed them."

404 eye lights brightened and he burrowed into the multiverse codes finding what his King had found. Raw pain made its way through him. Oh, his mate. He could just imagine how much pain they were in when he died. They had been fighting side by side and were the last ones standing. Their King dead .......everyone was dead.

Both were on their last leg. And he smiled when his soul shattered at his mate, but he had successfully given Fate a weakening blow. He remembered the glitched scream and the tears in their eye lights. 404 fell giving his mate a higher chance for victory. It had worked and it seems his mate was to stubborn to give up on them.

A glitched portal like his own opened and Error stepped through. The right hand of the King as 404 stood as his left. They executed their King's orders. Error a black skeleton to match the King's right half and 404 to match the left half. Neither would admit how ridiculous that sounded to their King when he proclaimed that one day.(King Multiverse is half black and half white looking skeleton.)

Although both Error's had similar abilities that was just a coincidence just like most alternates have the same abilities, the errors shared similar skill sets. To code things into existence or erase them.

Error bowed to his King eyes roving over both taking them in as much as possible. He could barely continue the emotions boiling underneath for finally seeing them again.

"My Error you have done a great service. For this I shall allow you some well deserved rest. 404 take your mate and don't return to my sight for this lunar cycle." King Multiverse said looking Error who was barely keeping himself together. His eye lights softened momentary before the mask reappeared.

404 quickly took his mate back to their private home as the King was summoning his own temporary replacement. Sadly they would never match the work ethics of his two hands.

Error dove into 404s arms head buried in his taller half's shirt. He could feel 404s souls thrumming against him. The familiar smell, feel and everything was so overwhelming. Their souls thrummed together instead of the empty ache that he has endured for centuries.

Skeleton monsters usually don't survive the loss of their mate as they purely rely on magic to live and the soul being where their magic comes from. Error doesn't count Ink as Ink is made out of ink and uses magical ink to live. Unfortunately beings like error's don't die easily by anything less than a god equivalent so Error trudged on through the pain.

Rage was his fuel against Fate and their minions. He finished off the being and it's puppets. Then he just drifted afterwards as a large chunk of the multiverse was erased. It was when he saw a au where humans and monsters have switched roles that he saw the monster child reset which started to give an idea. Resets existed and the multiverse was just a huge version of au of its own. So what would it take to reset it all?

So the plan had set in. Error had started gathering the red souls gaining friends and foes along the way. Though he really wished he hadn't made any friends. Family even............

404 continued to soothe his mate.

(I'm not sure why I made this Error/Error 404 but here it is. Error destroyed worlds to gain enough power to reset the multiverse. Error did a crooked multiverse reset as Fate wasn't of this multiverse there was no data for it to be revived with. So the reset made it so it was the time before Fate while the entity will never appear to cause the same events. I made it so Error chose to take the option of resetting the multiverse , but you could do the exact opposite and Error be convinced to stop by his present friends.)

(Error's background was that King Multiverse wanted powerful beings as his right and left hand. Those who had potential were gathered by the king and trained. There was competition for the position. 404 was at his last stage training and he was guaranteed the position because he's op. Error was younger and weaker. He trained hard b/c he wasn't naturally as op as 404. The two spared with each other like everyone else, but 404 liked Error's fire. He became a bit of a mentor and spent time together. 404 finally got the position. The two continued training and spend time with each other. 404 is an extremely efficient worker that perfect assistance. The King was definitely watching the budding feelings between the two for entertainment. It dragged on for a few centuries and Error gaining the other position the two had eventually become mates.)

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