Fall Back (fgod Error)

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Error jerked back into the portal he had created his body falling apart with the sheer amount of injuries. His eyes were leaking string tears as he fell back into a portal of his making. One full of black nothingness shown to lead directly into the void. The army watched as he disappeared along with the portal before breaking into cheers. Everyone celebrating the demise of the destroyer.

Ink turned opening his mouth to say something happily to his friends before he froze. A pain slowly spiraled from the center of his chest causing him to collapse onto his knees. His friends frantically panicked at this. It caught the attention of some of the other people here to stare worried at their protector. Ink gasped breathlessly his body on fire as everything felt wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong!

Right before the eyes of the army Ink's body was breaking down, but not into dust or even ink, instead Ink's body was fading to nothing. Dream cried out for his friend yet there was no time at all before Ink completely vanished as Dream tried to infuse healing magic into him.

A scream broke out from someone and people started to notice that the au also started to fade like Ink. Many tried to flee the world and the broken hearted ones at his death put themselves together to escort the others out. But they soon found every au they entered was fading at the exact same rate. More and more people and worlds started to fade.

There was barely anything left when Dream cried out to whoever was listening. Why? Why was this happening? Dream himself slowly started to fade until he felt the borders of nothingness almost consume him. Before he was forced violently back out by something powerful. Something so other and all encompassing that Dream trembled in its presence.

Then he felt something impress itself into his mind...........

Error and Ink were the balances needed for the multiverse to exist as gods of destruction and creation. The death of one meant the death of the other as creation can not exist without destruction. The multiverse was already unraveling on Error's death which lead to Ink's own demise. Error needed to destroy aus so the multiverse could live as Ink needed to create aus for the same reason.

Dream was being sent back in time to before Error jumped. To stop it all from happening and stop the destroyer from committing suicide. There was a chance Error would try killing himself even without those events. Dream would have to work hard to turn the council away from Error being enemy number one.

(So basically I was thinking Fgod scenario except the higher beings are more abstract than physical. Error was still mentally tortured to become what he was, but he was purely worn down by the people and not the antivoid or god to suicide. This multiverse worked as Ink and Error were equals as both were formed at the same time and opposite purposes.)

(A higher being stepped when the multiverse was falling a saved a soul[it doesn't have to be Dream I just chose him because he was in a better position to help] They then imbedded the knowledge of their purpose and what they needed to do to save the multiverse before reversing time back to a bit before Error's death. I hadn't decided on what point in time so you can pick any from the very beginning of Dream's existence to right before Error falls.)(I can imagine Dream being extremely stubborn and latching onto the destroyers leg because he wouldn't let the suicidal being out of his sight.)

(Let's get creative with time travel and not call it a reset.)

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