A Glitch (Error)

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Error stared blankly at the large thing? creature? A true embodiment of a glitch he couldn't quite find the perfect description for. It was shaped like two glitchy rectangles. A larger square shape being on the bottom with tiny squares of orange, grays, and blacks contained within the two squares. Some parts of the squares were completely see threw. Again it was a glitch like no other.

The thing hovered in the air somehow and on any other day Error would have directly come to destroy it alone. But this au was far to close to an original so the au itself was his target today. The creature didn't seem to take any hint as Error was tearing apart the the universe. It danced around him which was extremely strange to see. But it seems the glitch was the only defective one as a tiny yellow mouse jumped forward, letting lose yellow sparks as it charged with a white glow at him.

The mouse was snatched up in his strings and well ........now there was a mouse no more. Error huffed in annoyance at another stupid type of au the rainbow puke had come up with. Giving animals the ability to control fire and make rain honestly that squid needs some fucking common sense.

The weird box glitch did a weird wiggle and rubbed against Error causing him to stiffen. But surprisingly he felt no rolling pain usually caused by his glitches coming in contact with other beings. Error blinked and reached to touch the weird box that from this angle he saw was barely an inch thick the best way to describe it being as flat as paper. The thing felt like a smooth break wall as it floated higher to be hesitantly poked by Error.

Both it and Error though turned their attention to the whirling sound. A yellow portal opened and Dream appeared along with a few other Sans. Which meant he wasn't going to be confronting Ink today. You see the Star Sans had a harsh falling out at one point mostly because Ink didn't care much for the aus while Dream cared far too much. Now they stayed out of each other's ways.

Error was ready for battle, but before Dream could give out one of his speech's. Water bursted forward and sprayed all six Sans. The square glitch was spraying the Sans causing them to be soaking wet while a few of them hacked out the water that got stuck in their skulls.

Dream hacked out,"You'll *cough no *cough *cough ttttake this *cough *cough au today dest *cough royer."

Error was laughing now though it was rare to see these idiots in such a mess.

The glitch box? There really wasn't a designated name for the creature in the code. It jerked forward and Dream drew his arrow shooting. The box dodged and rammed into Dream, but instead of the common results the glitch faded through Dream's body. Dream visibly froze up but his body started glitching and spazzing out. Error checked over Dream's code just in case the balance keeper died and found that it was just temporary and Dream would be frozen like this for a few hours.

That wasn't the end of it though as the box continued charging through the others. Leaving spazzing glitches on the ground. Error hummed happily now though. Today is a great day isn't it. The glitch came floating back hovering in from of him wiggling slightly. An image of a dog wagging its tail flashed through Error's head.

So Error did was other good pet owners do. Reached out and pet the front head area? of  the glitch.

"Good boy. You did a good job." The glitch wiggled more excitedly almost buzzing. The world fizzled around the creature a bit and Error was reminded that he had a job to finish.

But as Error stared down at the glitch he might as well do a Blue repeat and this time the creature's already glitched so his home wouldn't be a problem. Error continued unraveling the universe as the glitch rubbed itself against him like a cat. With the last of it at its end Error glanced at the downed Sans knowing only Dream was going to survive this. Making sure that non of the originals were there he tugged and everything else was gone.

The bonus of the glitch being a glitch showed itself as the box continued to live in the empty space. Error admired the glitching Dream for moments before opening a portal to leave.

One more thought entered his mind as Error took his new pet home. He couldn't wait to show Ink.

(In case you don't get it. This was a Pokémon au where a glitch in the Pokémon game known as missingno exists. From what I looked up missingno knows water gun(lol) and sky attack. I also gave it its natural ability to glitch the hell out of something. Error's immune to it like how the same types can be immune to each other. Missingno is Error's new Pokémon and he will train it and love it and sick it on Ink. If Error had an actual pet with normal needs like food and water than that pet will die. Luckily missingno has all the characteristics of a glitch.  No food, no water, .............no air, no aging, really the perfect pet for Error)

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