Idea #47 Soulmates Twist

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So soulmates again, but this time a fun little twist.

Soulmates can find themselves in each other's bodies at times. There is no rhyme or reason to it, a soulmate can just blink and find themselves in a *cough* inconvenient situation in their other half's body. The exchange of bodies rarely happens as kids and start picking up at around teenage and adult years. They can be in the other's body for days or even months at a time.

Do you realize how inconvenient this is?(pffffft) The first problem being your soulmate could be a psychotic killer and you return to your body after your possible other half destroys everything you love.

But that isn't the main issue I want to discuss. Soulmates yeah when someone like say.......Dream wakes up in Cross's body and is poorly pretending to be Cross. Much to the bad sans silent amusement things don't really stay secret in anyway as the bad sans' soulmates are good sans. Sometimes the good and bad sans are completely switched with each other so things are a bit confusing.

Their soulmates which means they're the other half of each other which also means they use whatever magic the body and soul they're in has. When switches are really bad both sides sometimes form a truce because it really isn't worth the effort to keep fighting over the balance.

Because of this body switching and my habit of making Error and Ink far older and more experienced with being in each other's bodies, they don't give a fuck by this point. They literally could pretend to be each other at any point with none the wiser. They entertain themselves while blaming each other on all shorts of problems. Error in Ink's body created a universe where food comes to life and attacks anyone who tries to eat it. Ink in Error's body destroyed an original universe that he hated.

They were unrepentant. Most people didn't even know they were soulmates. Ink didn't have a soul, but he still had a sense of self which counted. He once upon a time had a soul and Error once upon a time had a whole soul which meant just like every being they had a soulmate.

Finally there is one more matter to address. Soulmates are a lot of the time considered lovers and even when they're not. That uncomfortable situation of waking up in bed after your soulmate welll.........(lol). Whether with your soulmate is in your body beside you or another lover. It just means soulmates either share selfcest to some extent or have an uncontrollably open relationship between four people as your lover has a soulmate of their own.

(Now this sentence is making me question whenever soulmates are explained as the other half to one's soul that it's a form of selfcest through the soul.)

(I get stuck on soulmates a lot, but what do you expect in Undertale. Souls are a big thing here.)

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