Contemplating Souless

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Ink stared blankly as the last au died.

'Again' he thought to himself. 'Why do mortals set themselves up for their own demise?'
He might not truly care about anything, but he still had self preservation instincts.

'Then again other intelligent creatures have so many factors to make up their being. Morals, desires, needs, and emotions all stand in the way of each other.'Ink continued thinking and contemplating to himself.

Ink did not have true emotions or true needs like sustenance to live. His emotions were limited and his moral compass was limited the self restraint his few fake emotions gave him. Desires matching whatever his intake of vials were that day. He would always be lacking the thing that defined someone as a sentient living being and wasn't even getting into his non-existent soul.

It was probably the reason he was god in the first place. He can let go of his thoughts, ideas, emotions, and morals so easily. He can care for his creations a lot, but he can also let go of it and watch them all die without lifting a finger.

He was the god of creation. So the death of all the aus yet again didn't really faze him. Whenever Ink got into the rhythm of it and the aus created built up to the thousands, except for a few unfortunate occasions, something or someone will ruin it.

A scientist creating a blackhole on accident which took Ink a bit of time to clean up. A parasite eating them all before Ink could get there. A virus that was deleting all data of the aus because another scientist mixed up a deadly disease and magic. Even similar situations caused by a natural mutation or phenomenon that got out of hand.

It wasn't Ink's job to protect the aus and usually failed until it was far to late if he tried. Maybe he needed to create someone specifically for this? To stop viruses from spreading and destroy dangerous beings before they got out of hand......

In any case Ink needs to start from the beginning again. It was unfortunate that aus needed to be linked together to stay stable which had to do with the push and pull of energy to stay so gravity doesn't cause them to collide and that the first universe set the main rules for the basics of universes after it.

A ridiculous domino affect would happen causing the universes directly linked to the one that died for those that are branched off it to die. Like if the middle shelf falls all the books on that shelf will fall while the shelf on top of that one will be safe, the bottom shelf will become extremely strained and likely fall from the doubled weight.(I'm not sure where this analogy came from)

There was no way to fix those rules set in stone for the multiverse and can't help, but ask whose the idiot that made this bomb of a multiverse.(I did) Ink gave up being a protector a long time ago as it's just a waste of time unless his vailed self was looking for entertainment of the battle kind.

The most dull time was during the first few dozen aus were created and most entertaining times was what Ink would call the Transcend period. When beings are physically crossing and creating ways to cross the multiverse.

(Ink will never understand other beings and without a soul it's impossible to create a worthwhile bond with others. He's changed or recreated up the multiverse 100s of times whether he has formed an Undertale based one yet or in the future is up to you. For all we know he's made magic and cultivation based universes and will try out an Undertale based one this time.)
(Not completely sure where I was going here. I just enjoy trying to make details of Ink's soulless nature and how it can align with his job. Just Ink being a soulless god of creation and his creation keep self destructing.)

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