Idea #13 Second Start (Error)

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Error wasn't sure if he should applause Ink for somehow breaking time. Or scream and vent at the goldfish brain for fucking everything up. Error could only stare out at the newly formed multiverse.

He watched boredly as undertale came into existence. Then the resets and splitting of the timelines into their own universes. Error contemplated his course of actions. He would still be needed as the god of destruction.

He'd already had to fix up a few glitchy timelines. The god of creation should be coming into being soon enough too. Error didn't think he could handle going through repeating future events at all without going crazy. Sans hate resets after all and this was a lot like a reset.

So what could he do to drastically change history even if it horribly backfires. He blinked as he found a horribly glitching timeline one that seemed to be frozen and unable to completely form. Looking into it he found a sketched like Ink one that surprisingly had a soul.

He watched the events play out a realizing at the last moment what the guy planned to do. Error hopped into the universe shocking the guy before launching him into the doodle sphere with his strings.

Ha that should change history an Ink with his soul as the god of creation. He hoped Ink wasn't as much of a goldfish brain as his previous self. Some universes need to be created like a godverse so the balances could have extra help keeping everything in check. Other then that Ink's mind with a soul will probably end up creating different types of universes.

The fact will come to pass even though Ink will take a bit of time figuring out his job as a new god. The moment Ink was launched into the doodle sphere was the moment his godhood started to awaken so even if Ink was still suicidal he would be unable to destroy his own immortal soul now. Error snickered at this.

(Alternative Future asshole Error and a Ink with a soul stuck keeping the balance. The multiverse is changing. A calmer smarter Ink and a Error who gave up on caring about anything aside from his amusement and his job. )
(People are unsure how to treat Error as they know he keeps the balance from the other gods. Error usually acts crazy when he takes down or destroy parts of a universe. They fear him but know he is needed. Error avoids people so no one really knows him. Ink is worshipped as the creator by many, but the only people ink really cares about is his fellow gods since mortals will one day die. He doesn't do personal relationships with mortals and is still traumatized about his old au.)

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