Idea #40 The Option

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So Fate heard that her darling Ink wished to go on a vacation. Being the wonderful mother she is she decided to take him out of the multiverse to a nice vacation multiverse. Nothing less than perfect for her darling boy. Although Fate didn't care much for the balance there at least needs the multiverse to continue existing so she needed to find a temporary replacement to keep everything in check.

A rebellion would be annoying and who knows how many universes will end once the glitch realizes their gone. Ink was really 'worried' about it as he thought the dumb glitch will destroy everything. So Fate conceded and searched a few multiverses unclaimed by other gods. Only the best solution to make her son 'happy' by picking a lesser version of her darling Ink for keeping the multiverse in check.

Fate found an unclaimed Ink, grabbed him with strings and dumped him in the doodlesphere. Of course she left him a letter so that he knew his position here and anything wrong will cost him dearly.

The thing is Fate didn't look to hard at what kind of  'Ink' she grabbed. If she did she would have tossed him into the void in offense.

So Pale was placed down in the doodlesphere staring blankly uncaringly at the entire process. Unlike a usual emotionless Ink Pale read the note if only to calculate his future options. Though he couldn't feel, Pale had things he claimed as his in his multiverse so returning to it was in his worth responding to list.

Knowing that he would return if he did his job as Ink the creator of aus for a while. Pale decided to do nothing and wait this out.  Creating wasn't impossible for him, but risking a mistake wasn't worth. He also might eat a universe accidentally to fill the void inside him. Since he just linked up with this multiverse the urge to devour a few aus was very strong as the balance was tilted extremely to creation at 75%.

(Fate didn't state anything on the note to protect the aus in her careless writing more focused on threatening than anything.)

Again the best thing to do was nothing at all as the multiverse will self destruct if he creates and his return home could be cut off if he destroys. So Pale sat their doing absolutely nothing for an unknown amount of time.

Things continue to escalate in this multiverse as many Sans found the creator has vanished and the bad sans were on a destruction spree.

There was also a fact quite a few of them knew of the balance and were worried Ink was planning something. Those who knew of the balance thought Ink was evil. Truthfully Ink kinda was in this multiverse as he considered them all his toys he can dispose of when he got bored and since Ink had a brain of a goldfish his failing memory makes it hard for him to get bored. He has gotten rid of a few characters on the sly who got in his nerves. He's also instigated certain disasters across aus.

He also implanted bad endings in most universes for his entertainment. Pale though wasn't like Ink he embraced his soulessness content to be empty. His memory was far better than Ink's. He didn't do things for entertainment, but to satisfy fleeting urges. He wasn't overly emotional with emotions in him having a strange amount of self control and usually assesses a situation. Template had a lot to do with it. He wormed loyalty and self control into Pale when those pure emotions became to much in the early days of their balance keeping.

Ink and even Fate hadn't noticed the shift in loyalties within the Sans. Blue, Dream, Sci, and some others knew about the balance and were keeping an eye on Ink and a weary awareness to Fate. Blue and Dream who were the only ones with access to the doodlesphere eventually went to investigate what Ink was doing.

They found an unvialed Ink with different clothes of a blue jacket and scrappy red scarf around his arm. His unnerving eyes followed them as they approached. They saw the note on the ground and decided to read it. It was shocking and relieving to find that Ink and Fate were gone for the time being.

(Now they were capable of putting a plan in place to get rid of them, but what do they do with this strange alternative Ink. Pale was dragged with them to the bad sans where they explained the situation. They were uncomfortable with this Ink who had unusually stated their name as Pale. Pale rarely touched the vials that the Sans tried giving him. He fit in fine though even if mostly unresponsive he has his moments.)

(My mind went to Template eventually finding him first and the excitable skeleton was kinda terrifying. Mostly because he can interpret the slightest twitch from emotionless Pale perfectly. Crazily overdramatic like Ink. With his reveal as a creator, the others realize Pale was actually the destroyer of another multiverse. Template convinced Pale to help them with their problems like the too many aus. Eventually their multiverses were fused together after the Fate/Ink were defeated. Pale had no willingness to be a creator and Template needed their own multiverse to be stable so the solution was with Sci who created something to fuse their multiverses together. Error never really liked his job so Template and Pale were the only two doing the c/d balance of the new and fused multiverse.)

(Template loves Pale no matter his emotions or lack there of. Pale can't love, but considers Template his.)

(I know I wrote something similar to this for Pale being creator, but this scenario is far more convoluted and interesting .)

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