Puppet of Three

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Error stared down at one of his sons Paperjam. He felt Fate's strings clinching tighter and tighter around his soul. The mask slipped on as he sneered down in disgust at Paperjam. Oh how he hated the role he has to play. To be the bad guy.......to hate his offspring........to be nothing but a puppet.

He could resist it. Fight it even, but he wouldn't. Not back then when he was nothing but rage and madness and certainly not now so that his offspring and once friends where safe from being wrapped up by them. It had hurt ruining his relationship with his friends......maybe even family. It's even worse that their still reaching out for him.

But he couldn't give up, not now not ever. They weren't strong enough to challenge them and his friends would die trying. Maybe even becoming puppets themselves. Error was determined to carry the strings binding his soul and torturing him. Fate.....Destiny.......404...... all three of them could wield him however they see fit. Their strings binding him to rules and pain unlike any other.

Somehow they share him between them and though Error might harm his friends as long as they have their freedom he was content to suffer.

(Fate, Destiny and 404 use Error like a slave and have him cause chaos and destroy. When he started to make friends and calm down from his madness. He realizes he has to protect them and the only way to do that is to make sure he is the cause of pain and chaos for these beings amusement. As long as he keeps them entertained with his actions they won't enslave and directly harm the others. Sure they can harm them through him but he can moderate how much harm he causes.)

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