Time is the Question (F/God Error)

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When the deities first came into being after the multiverse formed they were all adrift in the nothingness of the multiverse. Still they had power and knew what to do with it. Everything eventually fell apart though as the deity known as Fate was infected by a virus which had invaded their multiverse.

They might have been deities, but they were young and unknowing of the dangerous that could slip through the cracks into their multiverse.

A conflict broke out, but it was to late to stop it as Fate had already woven its corrupted strings around the other deities twisting them into its image. While Fate did kill off some of them the rest were placed under its control.

So the story goes as always a creator without a soul was made. This being didn't stop creating until the multiverse was at its limits and being Fate's favorite Fate decide to create a counterpart or villain to go against him.

This villain became known as the destroyer Error as over thousands of years of conflict between the two continued on. But Fate didn't just pick a random Sans no it was the deity known as Time who had somehow always been able to partially break the control this being had over it.

What Fate didn't know was the fact that if Time was all encompassing for the present, past and future it can somewhat manifest itself at any point, meaning Time could partially pull on its freedom from its past or maybe even future self.

This lead to a constant struggle of control over its being so Fate decided to try breaking it a different way. Trapping it in an endless white space called the anti void putting voices in its head before forcing the role of destroyer onto its being.

Forcing Time to forget everything, although Time can manifest his past giving him temporary control back for a short while. And Fate also tied the being in so many restrictions it was maddening.

Time had always been a black skeleton had always had golden pupils. The tear marks came from the power of destruction and that power also came with the need to know the codes of the multiverse to be successful in his position.

Without realizing it Fate had given Time all the weapons they needed for freedom. They just had to become stronger which with the levels of destroying the worlds and constant battles helped along.

Time wasn't just a sealed deity of time, but now also a sealed deity of destruction and multiversal code. An error to destroy the viruses that were destroying the multiverse. Things started slipping through the cracks although Time or Error was almost completely broken by then.

Their spite and hatred burned away, their will to live just barely present and their need for all the pain and suffering to end just crying out inside. But they kept on going a feeling deep within their being whispering that they will be free, just keep on moving forward.

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